Does the smell of a clean ass turn you on or the smell of a manly ass? There is.
There is a difference between manly ass and a smelly one!
It's pretty obvious you're desparate for those bonus points to improve your ratio, but this to me smells like downright spam. I'm surprised mods aren't already onto this. You've spawned so many ridiculous topics here that it's simply beyond my comprehension why anyone would go and reply to them. Like me now, for instance. Just stop it.
I don't need the points. I already got enough porn from the freeleech marathon. I'm hardly downloading but able to. Some days I have 0 download but able to download at least 20. I'm almost at 1 ratio (currently - Uploaded: 107.19 GB/Downloaded: 112.68 GB) so whatever I downloaded I gave back. I only need like .5 ratio to download so I'm way ahead. I would give back more but the porn I download no one likes them so that doesn't upload lol. I tried to give back with the freeleech < leechers+, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, but most of my upload is by leaving my computer on during the night. Sometimes I upload around 3-4 GB per night, so it's definitely easier than posting a topic to get an even and/or better ratio.
Sorry (not sorry) you don't like my posts. Maybe you can post your own topic. Believe it or not I'm sort of porn out lol. People are actually responding to the topics, so I will keep posting while following the rules until someone with authority tell me I should stop. And I enjoy reading the responses. One great way to know my fellow gaytorrent members is to ask questions and see what they like and dislike. It's not always about downloading and uploading porn. So your assumption about me is incorrect. And the mods can double check my stats to tell you it's the truth. If the mods said, you're only allowed to post 10 topics a day I would follow that rule, but they didn't say anything about that. Additionally, why would I squander my time getting 5 points per post when I can get 600 points if I upload a porn torrent which I haven't done yet. I think I've explained myself enough which I shouldn't have to… but...
Have a good day.
I don't mean to be rude, nor to opress you, but danijelr15 kind of have a point. You are making a lot of posts at the same time and is sort of monopolizing the forum's timeline, making most of other people's topics get lost and forgotten at the rear pages… I don't really understand why you have to do that. And some topics are repetitive too. Why not answer older topics instead of creating new ones with exactly the same subject?
Anyway… this topic is not tha case. It's rather interesing actually.
I think I know what he means by manly ass being different to smelly ass. Maybe it's like when it is a manly ass it doesn't really smell bad... it's just that natural smell... not perfectly clean, nor the complete opposite. If that's the case, then I believe I don't care if there's a manly ass smell... It's actually a good thing, sometimes -
First someone accused me of posting to get points which you are allowed to. It is in the rules how you're able to get points. There is no rule where I can't post 100 posts at one time. Please show me and I'll stop. But I do have courtesy if you ask me to just stop. That's all you have to do.
And then you accused me of pushing down other people's post or topic. This is almost comical haha… Those are all of my intentions (sarcasm).
Before accusing or trying to snitch on me publicly which is a little juvenile, why don't you just say, hey harryme, you're posting a lot of topics, you want to tone it down a bit so other guys can get their topics in. Something simple like that would be okay. jeez!
Anyway, since there are some people that are anal about my posts, I'll stop. Good gracious. It's porn guys, it's not a big deal! There are much easier ways to get points/dl like donation or posting a torrent. You get better ratios with uploading freeleech.
Please just chill or better yet, rub one out... you'll feel a lot better
I will be going in exile from the forum for awhile... hopefully you guys will feel better about it. Also, I will upload more than download to show I'm not spamming (no more post) or leeching. I don't really have to do this, but no sense in making enemies for porn.
Just chill, please.
I don't mean to be rude, nor to opress you, but danijelr15 kind of have a point. You are making a lot of posts at the same time and is sort of monopolizing the forum's timeline, making most of other people's topics get lost and forgotten at the rear pages… I don't really understand why you have to do that. And some topics are repetitive too. Why not answer older topics instead of creating new ones with exactly the same subject?
Aside of being spammer or not…
There is a difference between manly ass and a smelly one!
I have idea :crazy2:
First someone accused me of posting to get points which you are allowed to. It is in the rules how you're able to get points. There is no rule where I can't post 100 posts at one time
You are absolutely right, you haven't haven't really broken any written rules but you risk getting reported for spam.
But on a practical note, the catch-up for recent forum posts is limited to 10 pages. If you post 100 posts in this forum and then someone else posts 100 in Jokes, say, that soon uses the 10 page limit. So when someone comes to check recent posts they hit the 10 page mark before they hit the point where their new posts review starts
OK, there are other ways of trying to catch up but they are not as simple.And there is NEVER a reason for anyone to post 90-100 forum posts in a short space of time. It's called being considerate.