Str8 Movies?
I thought this site was only for gay themed movies. I happened to find this torrent an episode of the new Empire. As far as I knew, this is not gay themed.
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I thought this site was only for gay themed movies. I happened to find this torrent an episode of the new Empire. As far as I knew, this is not gay themed.
There is a gay character and it is set in the entertainment industry, no? I haven't seen but I would consider it at least gay related. We are an entertaining bunch…
I thought this site was only for gay themed movies. I happened to find this torrent an episode of the new Empire. As far as I knew, this is not gay themed.
There is a gay character and it is set in the entertainment industry, no? I haven't seen but I would consider it at least gay related. We are an entertaining bunch…
It is a heterosexual dominated tv show that just happen to have one gay character. That's not really gay themed. Maybe if it was a singular movie, but it's one episode that happens to have a gay character. That gay character doesn't represent a large percentage of the show.
As I said "I haven't seen it", I remain under the impression if it has to do with the entertainment industry (as a series) there will have to be more gay content. I mean like, who invented the concept of entertaining if it wasn't the same fellow who invented buggery?