"A Hawk Named Hillary"
I have to say, I have always viewed Hillary as a hawk, but only in the most pro-active of ways. Of course when a Democrat is strong on defense, be it foreign or domestic, they go :crazy2:. She did vote for the Iraq war, which, yes, I know it will be 2016. I still think that vote will be made issue again in the presidential race. With Benghazi firmly put down as any kind of fodder for conspiracy nuts, the GOP will begin looking elsewhere for things to file under "Reasons to Hate Hillary".
Source: http://www.thenation.com/article/191521/hawk-named-hillary
I dunno… The GOP is like a dog with a bone where conspiracy theories are concerned; I think Benghazi has the potential to be the main focus of their anti-Hillary campaign. Besides, they have the potential to blame her for everything Bill did wrong (Lewinsky, and so on), and for every little nutcrack from her past.
Although she's the most popular contender among Democrats, she's very bad for progressives who are feeling buyer's remorse over Obama. Sanders or Warren would be the best choices but they're too busy holding off the tide of corporatism in the Senate to run for office.
I've studied conspiracy theories over the years and many, many times they are right, at least in part.
Remember, once a conspiracy theory is proven, it's no longer a conspiracy theory, but a part of history.
I'm not saying that ALL CTs are real, but many are.
I hope Liz Warren runs. I know she won't win but Hillary could get pushed left on some issues.
Although she's the most popular contender among Democrats, she's very bad for progressives who are feeling buyer's remorse over Obama. Sanders or Warren would be the best choices but they're too busy holding off the tide of corporatism in the Senate to run for office.
I love Bernie Sanders. Politically he's more or less where I'm at on domestic policy. But he has no chance.