Should one be called a gamer?
I am tired of people who played Angry Birds calling themselves gamer. It's just an app!
I'm more on the you need a Computer and/or Console and don't just play COD. I also hate people who think there a "nerd" just people they like to do cosplay. Uh no. Since when is it cool to be a nerd?
Try picking up a damn comic book and or learn something about science. You wanna be.
Gamers usually play on various platforms and various games.
I'm more on the you need a Computer and/or Console and don't just play COD. I also hate people who think there a "nerd" just people they like to do cosplay. Uh no. Since when is it cool to be a nerd?
Try picking up a damn comic book and or learn something about science. You wanna be.
Word up. It's really annoying. Pretensious posers are in every culture tho. But more and more emerge in the geek/nerd world
It makes me sad.
I mean it's ok to be a noob, if they try it's ok, but if they dodge the possibility of trying to go deep, like enjoy a variety of really good more unrelevant games, comics, movies and such, like the shit that really matters….. If they avoid that it's just a maaaajor turn off. I see it all the time.
Newb is good, noob is bad
Newb is a new person that doesn't know any better purely because they are new
Noob is an idiot that's just as clueless as a newb, despite being around for ages
Newb is good, noob is bad
Newb is a new person that doesn't know any better purely because they are new
Noob is an idiot that's just as clueless as a newb, despite being around for ages
I dunno, i find noobs cute. Like polish noobs in wow, they are so friendly and cute :hug2: I just wanna help them
I am tired of people who played Angry Birds calling themselves gamer. It's just an app!
Been console for almost 2 years.
It may be benal with its 2D texture and quaint objective of pig destruction, but it's still one built with the same theory underpinning other "truer" games where withheld objects, activities, and success propel you to acheive proficiency. That makes it a true video game in every sense of the word.
If the war between the pigs and the birds is not for you, follow Shakespeare's advice and refuse to take up the slingshot.
"He which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made."
Henry V
Act IV, Scene III -
IT's true i think alot of people nowadays thinks once you play a videogame Even once you turn into a gamer .
and then they shun the REAL games that gets released on the console for being "TOO" Japanese .its really offensive for the people who played games since they were young ,
It's not that I don't want them to play or anything its just , Please be respectful to the people who actually play videogames . -
Some gamers are old enough to have lived when there were no such things as video games. I remember my dad buying us Pong then 2 years later Super Pong.
Some gamers grew up in houses where they weren't allowed to play video games.
It's not about WHEN you started playing games. It's about your mindset.
Also, none video game players are "gamers". The name "gamers" also includes people that play things such as the old fashioned paper D&D and Battlefield.
BTW, if you've been paying attention it the forum section, I've very vocal about my hatred of Japanese RPGs (take 3 steps, fight in a fixed format,….......rinse and repeat until you commit suicide to make it end).
I am tired of people who played Angry Birds calling themselves gamer. It's just an app!
On top of that, so are we gaymer?
I think im too laidback about videogames to care haha
if you play on a computer and/or console and spend a lot of time doing that, then you are a gamer.
that's why there's casual gamers and hardcore gamers
I think you need to have some level of experience with games besides candy crush and the like but if you play stuff like that alot or all those facebook games I guess you could be considered a casual gamer.