Chat Box Issues
I have recently noticed some issues with the chat box on the main page. Namely, that the chat box is not the size it should be, and the banner does not seem to be displaying at the same width as the box. I have attached the following just in case this is an isolated thing to one specific browser/os….
O/S: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (x86)
Processor: IntelCore
Duo CPU T2450 @ 2.00GHz × 2
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 33.0 (Ubuntu Canonical 1.0)
Visual Error:
Is this supposed to happen, or is this something specific to my system or browser confifuration? Does anyone have any ideas? This only seems to be the issue for me while running Firefox and has only stated within the last couple of days. When I load the page in Google Chrome (Version 38.0.2125.122) it all seems to work fine. Any thoughts on if this is my machine or some sort of actual bug?
it's just my poor html/css
i have that one already on my todo list
Default sound on chatbox may be set to mute initially. I logged on yesterday and thought there was some problem with my browser making unidentified sounds. Or the sound could be eliminated entirely? I think the chatbox is a nice addition though ^-^