Emerging Gay Characters In Videogames
I'm glad that more and more games are starting to design gay characters, and making them part of a story; and for the most part, they don't make a fuss out of the character's orientation. What do you guys think? I'm curious to hear what you guys think, your opinions/concerns. I for one am EXCITED for what is coming! (such as Dorian in Dragon Age: Inquisition being the first gay only character in the franchise).
There's still a lot of homophobia in gaming, from the players.
Game makers have learned that they can't make too much noise about their gay characters before hand or people will freak out. That's why we see gay characters being put into games without any real fanfare. No one wants another SWTOR type disaster where the player base went nuts over 2 gay characters. They didn't mind the 2 lesbians though.
it's A LOT better than what it was back in the earlier stages of gaming. most of the people who disagree and make homophobic comments, in large part, are immature adults and/or kids. in the last couple years, and even longer, I've seen more and more games coming out with gay/lesbian characters. people who have an issue w/ gay characters and not lesbian characters I find odd…double standard for sure.
Well, to the credit of older games, they might have lacked a level of emotional maturity to handle the content, but at least diversity was there without a fight. Final Fight's Poison, Birdo were transgender, and EarthBound, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 all alluded to lgbt themes. Really, I think most of bad will came from the PS2 era where GTA treated homosexuality as a punch line and it was a trait of psychotic villains like Vamp, Alfred Ashford from Resident Evil. I think the only positive examples of LGBTQ console games from that era I can think of off the top of my head from that era was Bully and Fable. Current Gen and last Gen, there's Trevor from GTA5 was bi if i recall, and I don't know if Trevor is considered progress. There also were rumors about the two main characters from The Last of Us; both could be interpreted to have been in a gay relationship at some point in the game. Not that sexuality matters when faceless vagina faced nightmares are threaten to devour your head at almost any given moment.
lol right? I know during the apocalypse like that, i'd turn into a flippin monk! lol if I was in a "safe zone", then i'd have some fun. but a majority of the game is in the woods and cities…yeah, i'd be telling the guy "keep it in ur pants until I know I wont get ate" lol
I think it's amazing, specially in good franchises like Dragon Age. And if I'm not mistaken Iron Bull is bi. Looks like an interesting character (and a sexy one). I'm specially excited about Morrigan's return, she's my favorite character in DA.
Haven't played TLOU yet.
yeah Iron Bull is AWESOME! not to mention that he's voiced by Freddie Prince, Jr which is bad ass lol. im gonna have to take the Bull for a ride on one of my playthroughs
lol…u have any idea who ur inquisitor will be on ur first playthrough?
Not sure yet, probably a female elven Mage.
oh awesome! any idea who ur first romance is gonna be? im gonna romance everyone eventually, but I think my first romance will be Dorian with a Human Male Mage
Not really, at first I'll just explore and search for Morrigan to discover what happened to her. Iron Bull is a temptation tho.
And I'll need patience to use the Dragon Keep.
yeah i'm gonna explore that game so much lol. u know that the Keep is open to everyone now right? lol
I am waiting for the male version of Bayonetta.
now that would be something wouldn't it? lol