I havent been following the shows but just saw the crossover so not sure about the other stuff you brought up.
4. Dominators in the comics, as I recall, experimented with humans. They put about 10 or so in a high stress situation and about 75% percent developed powers. Humans have a latent metagene something something and it frightens them as they might go into space and mess with their plans. I guess Barry is just a performed major major future threat.
5. Time Wraith? I saw an ending where scary reaper looking dementors took away the hot evil Flash. That's a time wraith? They should be attacking the Legends then.
So many silly flaws (the pain chips, still needed Supergirl to hit the mind controller) but, eh, it's guys needing excuses to be silly, hehe
On Wild Dog (Mad Dog?), such a porn star, haha. Was Steel shown shirtless too? Ragman looks Asian. Terrific looks kinda goofy, being awkwardly tall, haha