I am not a fan of gay porn videography in general. Too many close-ups and weird camera angles for me. Moody lighting - where you cannot see a thing. 'Action' camerwork where the viewer's eye is never allowed to settle. Lazy ass camera-work where the lens follows a performer's face and half of the action is missed. I'm not blind. I don't need the camera to get in so close that I can see the hair follicles on a guy's balls. I like the whole picture - seeing who's doing what to whom. But studios/videographers so lack originality that they copy each other relentlessly. One person's bad habits soon spread.
I could go on (and on). However, I have not paid for any form of media (porn, movies TV or music) since around 2007/2008. So, if a porn scene is awful enough for me to shout at the screen and curse the man/woman/cretin who filmed it, I am happy to erase it from my PC and move on. ;D