**Hi, everyone. I'm maybe the first and probably the only user here who's from Bulgaria. I won't say my name because I'm in good health and I wanna keep it that way - one never knows who reads this forum and there are certain people I don't want them to know women aren't the only part of the human race I'm attracted to. To put it simple - I'm bisexual.
As you can see from my nickname and my profile picture, I like… no, I love(!!) YOHIO. I'm in love with him and I'm having wet dreams about him pretty much every night. He's so cute, damn it! His smile is disarming and his voice is soothing. :love: :love:
Speaking of my love, I must add I like feminine boys - ones one could mistake for girls. You know... who are so feminine it's hard to tell the difference and they have a nice surprise "in the package". Which is why I fell in love with Yohio in the first place.
Erm, what else... I like mostly rock and metal which, by the way, are the primary music genres YOHIO plays and sings.
Well, that's all I can think of saying while yawning widely 'cause here it's almost 6 AM and I gotta go to bed to have another dream about that sweet little cake YOHIO (he's 19). If I've missed to mention something - ask away.
P.S. I suspect there are people who don't know who YOHIO is (sigh... as usual), so type "yohio heartbreak hotel", "yohio rocket" or "yohio invidia" on YouTube to listen to his best songs ever. So, have a look at His Gorgeousness and enjoy the music. :)**