Hello you all !! things i hate to see in the porn are /// erm where do is start ??/
1.overgrown nails!!! huge put off or a little finger nail left longer then the others … wtf, why do people leave that nail go grow?? do they just use it to pick their noses or are they constant users of coke??
2.sorry guys i might be little misinformed but i havent got a clue what scat is ?? and yeah this goes for frlching too charlos514 u posted that ... gosh im scared to find out
3.this may not be in acctual porn films as ive never seen that kinda thing in porn but there are couple clips on xtube lets say guys shawing WORRYINGLY big dildos up their asses and im just left flabbergasted thinkin there is noooo way he can do THAT, ive seen a dildo of that size in the shop once i just dont get it .
4.bad director is easily niticed thats for sure bad camering, no lights..
5.SPOTTY asses and faces ???