HELP ! Ok so I got QTM and I tagged ONE folder it is a full siterip of (all photosets and all video's)… I asked the helpdesk If I could UL, its ok... the problems....
QTM (newest)... and the FOLDER is a total of 50Gb...
It gets to the END of making the torrent and I get a error:
Error on the HttpEndRequest 12007e
Im using win10enterprise. (as admin).
So I tried the WEB Upload.... It gets to the end and goes to a blank page and that is it ;(
any suggestions ?
and yea I put in all the info for both... tracker announce,name (no weird dashes etc), I included a few pics etc ;(
any thoughts ?
thanks... waiting to send up a 50Gig torrent ! :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: