superkuzhao wrote:
我的Ratio: 0.952,从昨天开始不管是免费的还是正常的资源都没有下载速度了,站内的种子可以下载,但是一点下载和上传速度都没有 ,怎么回事呢?我一直用的是Utorrent软件下载的。一直也没有改动过什么设置,之前还可以正常下载和上传,从昨天开始速度就是0了,我是中国大陆的。请版主大侠们帮帮我,看看是什么原因啊?谢谢! 网站我应该还能正常上,也能正常浏览各个板块,种子也能正常下载.我试过好几个站内的资源了都不行,即使是很热门的也不行,速度就是0,另外我用Utorrent试着下载别的网站的资源就可以正常下载。
Hi, superkuzhao,
Please write in English, if at all possible, as we have no Chinese Staff.
The HelpDesk always needs the following information of the specifics at your end, to give a definitive answer as to what's going on, such as the exact error message you received, and at what stage of the attempted downloading process you received it.
If your uTorrent program just doesn't seem to want to download the torrent, let's get the information from there. Here's how:
In your uTorrent program, click once on the torrent in question, to highlight it, then halfway down the screen, click on the ""Trackers" tab.
The information you read below, there, as illustrated in this screen shot from my computer, below, will give us some clue as to what's going on at your end:
, will explain what's going on with that specific torrent.
In the future, if you include this exact information in your helpdesk requests concerning torrent connectivity, it will be a big assist to our helpdesk staff.
Please follow the above instructions, and write us back with the information that is shown there, FOURTH line being the important line to quote.
In addition, I would suggest you activate certain columns in your torrent client, so as to be able to understand what's actually going on with your torrents, in the future. On most torrent programs, you can right-click in the column headings and choose additional columns to be able to view.
I personally recommend "Name", "Size", "Done", "Added on", "Status", "Completed", "Down Speed", "Up Speed", "Seeds", "Ratio", "Peers", "ETA", and Tracker" as essential information and sort-columns. On most torrent programs, you activate these headings by right-clicking on the headings, and selecting and de-selecting your headings, as needed. You can also re-size the headings, by clicking and holding down on the right side of the heading, and dragging it a little bit to the left. You can reposition the columns by clicking (on the column heading) and holding down the mouse button, dragging the column left or right, as desired.
我的Ratio: 0.952,从昨天开始不管是免费的还是正常的资源都没有下载速度了,站内的种子可以下载,但是一点下载和上传速度都没有 :cry2:,怎么回事呢?我一直用的是Utorrent软件下载的。一直也没有改动过什么设置,之前还可以正常下载和上传,从昨天开始速度就是0了,我是中国大陆的。请版主大侠们帮帮我,看看是什么原因啊?谢谢! 网站我应该还能正常上,也能正常浏览各个板块,种子也能正常下载.我试过好几个站内的资源了都不行即使是很热门的也不行,速度就是0,另外我用Utorrent试着下载别的网站的资源就可以正常下载。
版主怎么联系啊?我的qq2624729124,邮箱[email protected]