For some reason I cannot upload torrent I created with rTorrent/ruTorrent. Error message was "What the hell did you upload? This is not a bencoded file!"
I made sure:
- I did upload the corrent bencoded torrent file.
- The torrent file did not have negative values inside, so this issue with TSSE shouldn't be a problem (at least so I think, it's on the backend so I can't be sure)
- The torrent file can be correctly parsed by other clients
So I'm literally running out of ideas on what could be wrong. I'm posting some screenshots of the bencode here, in the hope that someone could point out if it is a schematic error or something else.
(If someone wants to take a look at the torrent file itself I'm happy to share too)

The torrent file itself is rather large at 12,275KB, wonder if that has anything to do with it.