I have two theories: one is that it is a natural instinct for men to size-up the competition. This is animalistic and fundamental - perhaps men with bigger penises were better at mating. (Although, there must be an ideal, Goldilocks size!) My other theory is that it might have something to do with penises being very taboo, or rather "looking at another man's penis" being a very taboo subject. There are unwritten social codes that we must not look at other guys' dicks even though they are displaying them right beside you. Perhaps the only think keeping this in check is that it is socially unacceptable - so when there is no risk of repercussions (because it's just on a screen or in a magazine)…
Posts made by pissant
RE: Straight Men Look At Penises While Watching Porn
RE: Alien-Level Tech Required To Crack New VPN Encryption Setup
Would software of the type discussed in this news item help protect from the threat highlighted in the other recent news item on here about how hackable VPNs are? (Also riddler - who is that utter fox in you signature gif. :cheers: )
RE: File-Sharer Won Over $100,000 in Court
Did the wrongly accused man get any compensation at all? Or was his win limited to recovering attorney's fees? What about his time and worry etc.?
RE: Huge Security Flaw Leaks VPN Users’ Real IP-Addresses
Definitely worth looking into I'd say.
RE: Soft Pissers
Anyone got a big compilation of pics like this? I used to have loads, back in the days when I used to manually save pics off the net, one at a time. I wonder where that collection is. Might have to resurrect my old laptops and see what I can find
Excellent. Those guys are such show offs
Love it.
RE: Calling lawyers from around the world. (And greetings from London!)
Don't all shout at once!
Calling lawyers from around the world. (And greetings from London!)
I've been a member of this site for quite a while, but I am going to try use the forum more. Recently enough I posted some musings on the legality of downloading and distributing voyeurism porn. You can see my messages here: https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=29050.0 I am not here to judge at all. I personally think porn with a voyeuristic pretext is very hot! I am hoping that other users on here will be able to help me put together a summary of how the issues are treated in the laws of different countries.
I am a lawyer by profession and would be especially interested in hearing from other lawyers on how their jurisdictions treat pornography, and in particular voyeurism porn. Facets I am curious about include the taking, onward distribution, and viewing of images and videos that may have been taken without the subject's consent/knowledge - who can be guilty of what for this? What are the elements of the different wrongs here?
Looking forward to hearing from you
RE: Looking for Urinal Hunter (Young)
What do you mean by "urinal hunter"? Is this a specific person/GTRU user who you know uploads the types of videos you are after? Or is that just your term for urinal videos?
RE: Aussie Heartthrob Brenton Thwaites Reveals He's Bisexual??
Is this him?
Twink or not, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for being covered in sand….
RE: Voyeurism and the law
For those interested, in New York, it is called "unlawful surveillance". Here is what the New York Penal Code says:
http://ypdcrime.com/penal.law/article250.htm#p250.40To be guilty of the primary offences of unlawful surveillance in the first or second degree, you must install or use a surveillance device. These are felonies. Watching a video created by someone else is not covered by this law.
The separate offences of "Dissemination of an unlawful surveillance image" in the first or second degree, require "knowledge of the unlawful conduct" involved in obtaining the images (i.e. knowledge of the installation or use of the unlawful surveillance device). If you did not take the images yourself, or did not actually know who took them, I think it is safe to say that you will lack the knowledge required to be guilty of these offences. These are misdemeanors, not felonies.
RE: Voyeurism and the law
Many thanks for your answers.
I had a look at the Canadian Criminal Code. It seems very broad indeed. I am not 100% sure a claim against a person watching a peeping Tom video that he/she did not make him/herself would be an offence under the Canadian Criminal Code.
To be guilty of the direct voyeurism offence under section 162(1), you must surreptitiously observe or make a surreptitious recording of "a person who is in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy", if any one of the three following conditions is met: (i) the place the person is situated is one where he/she can reasonably be expected to be nude or having sex; or (ii) the person being observed or recorded is in fact nude or is having sex; or (iii) the observation or recording is done for a sexual purpose. It is clear to see how this applies to someone directly observing someone through a peephole (with their eyes), or someone who has set up equipment to capture videos of people in those circumstances. There is room for other interpretations, but I think "observing" is meant to mean "at the time" / "live" / "as it is happening". I don't think it is meant to cover "watching the video" later. (Would each viewing of the video be a new offence?) Further, I am not sure how "surreptitious" my observing is if I am just a recipient/downloader of a video. If I watch this video in broad daylight in a busy coffee shop, does it cease to be a voyeurism offence? I wonder whether this has been tested in a Canadian court.
Concerning the "passing on"/redistributing of a peeping Tom type video, Section 162(4) of the Canadian Criminal Code creates a separate offence. To be found guilty of this one, you would have to know the recording was obtained in the commission of the main (direct) voyeurism offence above. This means that to be guilty of an offence for publishing/copying/distributing/selling/circulating/advertising a peeping Tom video someone else made, you must know the video was obtained surreptitiously . This, in my opinion, is an exceedingly high standard for the authorities to have to prove against you. If you were not present at the time, and did not take the video yourself, it is impossible to know that it was taken surreptitiously. (Even if you suspected it, you could not know it. Perhaps if the person giving you the video told you they had made it, and they represented that they took it surreptitiously, then you could taken be on notice. But I think even this is short of the "knowing" requirement.)
It is interesting to note that the Canadian statute does not refer to consent. The issue of consent appears to be covered by the use of the word "surreptitiously".
A further search led me to the equivalent provision in the UK Sexual Offences Act 2003. To be guilty of a voyeurism offence under section 67(1) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, you must (i) "observe another person doing a private act" (ii) do this "for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification" and (iii) "know that the other person does not consent to being observed" for that purpose. Again, I think "observing" is probably meant to mean "observing it as it happens" rather than watching it later. Even if I am wrong about this, to be guilty of the offence requires knowledge that the person does not consent to being observed. For the same reasons as above, I think watching a peeping Tom video falls short of the offence in section 67(1).
As far as I can see, unlike the Canadian code, the UK Sexual Offences Act 2003 does not contain a separate prohibition on distributing peeping Tom videos. I suspect this offence might live in other more general legislation to do with pornography…?
Any lawyers out there from other jurisdictions care to chip in?
Voyeurism and the law
Building on from the "Debate" that happened on this forum a while back, I would be interested in hearing from people all over the world to know what is and is not legal where you live when it comes to voyeurism.
The moderators of this forum are (rightly and honorably) keen to make sure no one is encouraged or incited to do anything illegal by the posts in the Voyeurism group. I agree with that aim.
I think discussing some big questions could help users make sure they stay the right side of the line.
The basic questions:
Is voyeurism illegal per se? (Is there a crime/offence called "voyeurism"?)
- I am thinking about a law that says something like "A person shall not look at another person [in a sexual way]/[for their own sexual gratification] without that person's [express]/[implied] consent."
- I cannot imagine any Western countries could have such a law, but wonder whether it may be the case elsewhere in the world, especially in jurisdictions where the contours of the law follow religious teachings/a text held to be sacred.
Are certain types of voyeur videos illegal per se because of what they depict?
- For example, are videos of people urinating by their nature "indecent" in some countries, and therefore illegal?
Is is illegal to take a photo or a video of someone without their consent?
- I imagine there will be a great number of different rules/approaches throughout the world. In some countries, I guess it will depend on the age of the person photographed/recorded, as well as the context/setting.
- I think more advanced legal systems will probably have rules/case law covering the issue of consent, as well as individuals' expectations of privacy. In these systems, much would turn on the facts of a particular scenario - could consent be implied (because the person whose image was recorded was in public), or notwithstanding that the video was taken in public, could it be inferred that the person had an expectation of privacy (because they were engaged in an intimate/private act, such as showering or using a urinal) and had not consented?
If someone makes a voyeur video and posts it online for others to see, is the posting a separate crime? (What is this crime/offence?)
- I am wondering whether sharing by an originator is a distinct offence.
Is it illegal to post/share a voyeur video that someone else has made (i.e. passing it on)? - I am wondering whether it makes a difference that you did not originate the voyeuristic video. A big reason this would be relevant is because you could not yourself have been responsible for obtaining the consent of the object of the video. Does it matter whether the video content is sexual/"indecent"? - If so, does it need to be objectively sexual (e.g. a video of people having sex) or is the offence linked to what the person posting the video finds sexual (e.g. a video of someone running nude on a beach, or a video of someone naked in a public shower, are not inherently sexual acts) or what the person making and sharing the video thinks others will get from it (meaning, whether the target audience will find it sexual)? If the person in the video consents to the original video being taken, can they be taken to have consented to it being shared? - Here, I am thinking about the scope of the consent. If the person in the video consents to the original video being taken, it is possible that they would not consent to it being uploaded/shared with others. This raises the question: if consent to share can sometimes be a separate/different consent, whose responsibility would it be to ensure that a person who consented to the video of them being made in the first place also consents to it being shared? Can the voyeur/person who records the image legitimately presume that the consent given in respect of the original video includes consent to upload it online, in the absence an express prohibition from the person in the video, requesting/telling them not to? Or is it the other way around?Other interesting questions: Is watching/enjoying a voyeur video a crime? (Is the likely consent of the object of the video relevant? E.g. if I watch a hidden camera video (made by someone else) depicting what is said to be another person (i.e. not the video maker) in a public shower, and I doubt the object has given consent, is my watching the video a crime?) How does this interact with human rights? Does the human right to a private life extend to not having your image recorded in certain circumstances?