I'm confused by your first method but have tried ifo editor and keep getting errors. I downloaded dvdlab but have no clue how to work it. I tried another program that's supposed to automatically fix it called fixvts & vobblanker and now it will play for like 42 minutes then freeze.
That method is really easy:
move (from the VIDEO_TS folder) all files with an IFO extension (*.IFO) to a safe place elsewhere (not to damage them) and copy or rename all files with extension .BUP to the same name with extension .IFO (copy *.BUP *.IFO)
There should be a BUP file for every IFO file when the rip was ok (like VIDEO_TS.IFO/BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO/BUP and so on).
My second suggestion (IfoEdit) : as I said before: you need good knowledge of the structure to use IfoEdit.
DVDLAB2: after creating a new project select "File" -> Attach external VTS (with the existing VTS_XX_y.IFO files) and try to compile the resulting DVD.
As a last resort I can offer you: upload your current DVD rip (with the error) and send me a PM. I can move the torrent file to a hidden section and can download your files and I'll hope I can find out what is wrong
For that solution I need the "unrepaired files" though - not the files after you applied fixvts and/or vobblanker.
I'll probably just upload it for you. I did move the ifo/bup files to a new folder but didn't know what to do after that.