I posted in the thread you pointed me to, the torrent got goldened and I was able to snatch it. Thanks for the tip, ianfontinell 0! ( P.S.: I still think this thread could be useful to others )
See you around!
I posted in the thread you pointed me to, the torrent got goldened and I was able to snatch it. Thanks for the tip, ianfontinell 0! ( P.S.: I still think this thread could be useful to others )
See you around!
Hello, ianfontinell 0.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I am aware of that other torrent, but I wanted this file specifically because the studio claims the video was shot in 4k and I wanted to check if it looks 4k or if it's just an upscale.
As for the thread you linked to, are you sure it's the right one? That one seems to be a thread about using bonus points to make a torrent freeleech.
Thanks again and see you around!
Hello! I asked for a reseed on the 6GB torrent BaitBus - Jack Gets Fucked for Fake Cash ( https://www.gaytor.rent/details.php?id=f5ef84f92a96034862679e8153bc6ff5e6d93e01615cf178 ) and got lucky, but couldn't connect to the seeder; Another leecher joined the swarm and I got half the torrent from him, but he left and I've been stuck for a couple of days. Perhaps a generous connectable member could join in and act as a go-between?
P.S.:Maybe this post could become a haven for those in a similar predicament, as such threads exist in other private trackers.
Hello, Popper.
Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned before, the tracker has every right to impose restrictions, but I really think this should be made clear to all. First, because it would avoid postings like mine, wondering if this is a bug. Second, because it would work as an incentive for members to seed more. Just my two cents…
Thanks again and see you around!
I simply cannot access torrents for full DVD-R's. I wouldn't even know they existed, if not for an accident: I saw one being uploaded, jumped right in, and then I just couldn't access it anymore after a few minutes. ( I thought it had been deleted for some reason or another, and I still got to download it to completion ). However, since I had left a comment on it, I kept getting messages about new comments on the torrent, and those warnings come with a link; but if I clicked on it… "Access Denied".
Now I have just made a comment on a torrent saying that I'd love to have the DVDs for a couple of titles, and another member said they WERE available on the site and posted the links. However... ( you guessed it! ) "Access Denied".
He also said he'd heard about that problem before from other members, so here I am.
Is that a restriction because of my ratio ( 0.52 )? The site has the right to impose any restrictions it deems fair, but since I couldn't find any mention of this in the "Rules" page, I thought it might be a bug. Anybody got any info?