here it is Christian Lundgren and Mael Gauthier
Thank you! But this one is in a poor video quality (only 540p). Does really nobody have any of theese in 810p?
Serious Fun (Hoyt Kogan, Helmut Huxley & Justin Saradon)
Night Scene (Adam Archuleta & Joel Birkin)
Freshmen Tuesday (Nate Donaghy & Jason Bacall)
Freshmen Tuesday (Ronny Lamarr & Liam Efron)
Domestic Bliss (Jeroen Mondrian & Jason Bacall)
Perfect Package (Jarrod Lanvin & Kieran Benning)
Right to the Point (Nate Donaghy & Sven Basquiat)
Workout Sex (Antony Lorca & Gregg Meyjes)
Justin Saradon & Shane Sanders
Helmut's Accidental Lovers (Phillipe Gaudin, Hoyt Kogan, Roald Ekberg & Helmut Huxley)
Helmut's Accidental Lovers (Jarrod Lanvin & Helmut Huxley)
Jerome Exupery & Henrik Bjorn
Satisfaction Guaranteed (Dylan Maguire & Jeroen Mondrian)
Bobby Noiret & Alec Morrison
Nate Donaghy & Bjorn Nykvist
A Tale of Two Boys (Jerome Exupery & Liam Efron)
Kevin Warhol & Jerry Hannan
Torsten Ullman & Jeroen Mondrian