So now, pretty much every part of our server has been replaced and it seems stable again but we'll keep a close on eye on things.
We have also had to roll back to a backup of the site that was a day old so it's possible some posts and new members might have disappeared. Please let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks once again to the friendly GTR crew for allowing us to post these updates
Posts made by drewski 0
RE: ourGTN down for a short while
RE: A long shot
The top is Amadeus aka Massively Mode aka Leo Kage
RE: ourGTN down for a short while
Help is on the way with a new power supply. We may go down again over the next day when it gets replaced but hopefully all will be well after that.
RE: ourGTN down for a short while
Looks like I spoke too soon. Our host is looking into what may be a faulty part on our server but it hopefully won't take too long to repair/replace.
Thanks for your patience and thanks to those who have reached out for an invite. I'll be able to get to them as soon as the server is back up and running
ourGTN down for a short while
Hi all, apologies but ourGTN seems to be having some connectivity issues at the moment.
We think it's because someone tried to hide one of their used dildos in the USB-C port.....
Our crack team of sex addicts is on the case and as soon as they extract all those fists they'll have a spare hand to type out the necessary commands
In the meantime, please feel free to reach out for an invite by sending me a PM with your preferred email address to send the invite to. If you were already a member of the site before we crashed a few years back, try to remember your username and we'll restore it for you
drewski -
RE: ourGTN down for a short while
Site is back up and running - thanks for your patience
ourGTN down for a short while
Hi all, just letting you know that ourGTN will be down for several hours while our provider relocates our server.
Should be back up around 6 hours from the time of this post.
A reminder to old members who haven't been back since our "resurrection" a couple of years ago or those who would like an invite, please PM me directly with your old credentials (if you remember tham) and/or an email address to send a new invitation to. Please don't post requests as a reply to this.
Many thanks to the gang for letting us get these messages out. We will of course be happy to do the same for you if you ever need it.