Most likely, that "Mountain Men" torrent is a torrent for multiple files and you have selected to download only a 471.1 MB movie from it.

Seeder can only be a peer which got all files. Therefore the tracker counts peers having downloaded a part only and seeding it as leecher. This is the same for all trackers I know.

Regarding your trail to upload an own new torrent, that sounds as if you try to upload a big movie file to the site. However, you have to upload only the small .torrent file, which you've created upon with your Vuze/Azureus.

Note as well, that you have to download then after as well only that small .torrent file (not the movie file), which got your personal secrete passkey inserted. When you add that .torrent to your Vuze/Azureus, you have to set the "download" to the folder (directory) where the movie file from which the torrent was created is. Personally I create always back-up copies of the files I want to seed, just in case something goes wrong.