Dear fellow porn aficionados,
I would like to speak my mind and have your thoughts on it...
As a dinosaur
, I can attest that the gay sex movies have come a long way and evolved tremendously. From appreciating videos with just actors talking with no voice over but porn music background, to total soap opera with proper dialogue and serious full bush realness, to just immediately fucking.
The sweet spot in my humble opinion of the 'golden era' of gay sex movies with a proper story line is from 1980 to 2015. Aside from the hilariously tragic acting at most times, the storyline is one that heightens the fantasy for porn akin to children watching fairy tales with a happy ending,
All pun intended, corny gay daddy joke, thank you, thank you! 
It is great that now with advancement in technology we have Onlyfans and all other sorts of fans which allows instant intimacy and gratification. However this might angle more towards a "home-made", faux "amateur" theme only not as varied and colorful as during what I deem as the 'golden era'.
It depresses me that big production studios such as Titanmen and Hot House are no longer producing such quality content like they did in the 'golden era' however I do sincerely appreciate the likes of producer such as and Chi Chi La Rue who has stayed true till today and still does maintain a certain top notch quality from the golden era. Another relatively new producer that I appreciate is Ridley Dovarez, who although has always done a very fetish and dominating inclined story line is made to a very high standard.
Is there anyone else who understand my thoughts?
Does anyone feel the same way like I do or are all of you in here the different types of berries from the new generation that consider the above archaic and obsolete?
Any movie producers in here able to foresee if the 'golden era' will ever come back or is the subscription-based social media platform for purchasing original content only to stay for good?
Hope to hear comments 
Cazzoguy the T-Rex