First off, I'm happy you accept yourself and you found that the Christian faith is not the right fit for you. It isn't for everyone and there are many other religions that may better suite your needs.
I'm not jaded enough to believe that religions don't cherry pick what their particular religion holds sacred. This is why there are hundreds of religions based off of the same book. They each emphasize or translate the Bible differently. That being said, the religion I follow "cherry picks" and holds the verses of marriage being between a man and a women very sacred (Catholicism). There are many christian faiths out there that don't emphasize this value as strongly and may "cherry pick" a different verse to fit their creed.
I had to respond to the first message because it encompassed all of Christianity and that is very disrespectful to my religion that "cherry picks." Religion is based on faith - belief not based on truth. I have faith in my religion and what they cherry picked. As a non-religious person with no faith in a particular religion, I can see how this kind of faith is hard to accept and obtain. No one can force you to have faith and no one should try.
Once again the start of my issue with the original post is that it encompassed all of Christianity. If the basis of the passage was to prove that religion cherry-picks certain verses to advance their own creeds, I could have agreed. The passage instead attacked every Christian religion as not having any clear proof from the bible that marriage is between one man and one women this is completely erroneous when it comes to Catholicism.
Thank you once again for your time :love: :love: :love: