Hi, I don't know how many people still use IE, but the label on the permalink which lists the activity date in the upper right corner is missing.
Here is the snippet of a post using Chrome which is
<small class="pull-right">
<i component="post/edit-indicator" class="fa fa-pencil-square pointer edit-icon hidden"></i>
<small data-editor="" component="post/editor" class="hidden">last edited by <span class="timeago" title=""></span></small>
<span class="visible-xs-inline-block visible-sm-inline-block visible-md-inline-block visible-lg-inline-block">
<a class="permalink" href="/post/269686"><span class="timeago" title="26 Jan 2021, 04:15" datetime="2021-01-26T09:15:03.783Z">**2 days ago**</span></a>
Note the 2 days ago in the last span.
Here is the snippet in IE:
<small class="pull-right">
<i class="fa fa-pencil-square pointer edit-icon hidden" component="post/edit-indicator"></i>
<small class="hidden" component="post/editor" data-editor="">last edited by <span title="" class="timeago"></span></small>
<span class="visible-xs-inline-block visible-sm-inline-block visible-md-inline-block visible-lg-inline-block">
<a class="permalink" href="/post/269686"><span title="2021-01-26T09:15:03.783Z" class="timeago"></span></a>
You will note that the contents of the last span, which should be "2 days ago" is missing.
This is the limit of my debugging ability to try to help.
- Mark