The main reason I don't like him is…well, look at what he wants to do in the cabinet. He's playing cronyism with his children, putting them in high places in the government, for one thing.
His running mate is Mike Pence, a man who not only thinks homosexuality is an abomination and brings the destruction of the country, but also that evolution is false, global warming is a hoax, and that creationism should be taught in the science classroom. This guy makes George Bush look like a saint by comparison.
He's thinking of placing Ben Carson as secretary of education. Really? The man that was deemed too religious and superstitious to run for president now might be the head of the department of education? The man who literally thinks the world was made in 7 days? The man who thinks homosexuality is not only an abomination, but also a sin that should be capitally punished. The man who has a theory that the pyramids in ancient Egypt were used to store grain. This man's not fit to run a hot dog stand, let alone the education of a country. He's living proof that you don't need to be smart to be a doctor or surgeon.
Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie. Those names alone should make you feel like vomiting, never mind their absurd ideas and half-wit suggestions.
Trump is going to erase all of the progress in education, civil rights, and civil liberties made in the last 30+ years. As the Roman Empire fell to Christianity and gave rise to the Holy Roman Empire, so will the US fall to the conservative right. Let's just hope he doesn't start another era like the christian dark ages, complete with inquisitions, witch hunts, and publicly-funded religious schools. As an atheist, no other president in history scares me more than Trump.