Problem Regarding Uploading Torrents
Hello everyone (I am new here),
I have uploaded an image to make it easier for you to understand my little problem. As you can see in the highlighted yellow box in the image the size of this video is 630.59 and i have uploaded only 111.17, although it has been snatched 21 times and i am wondering how did that happened? The Upl. must have been at least the size of the video 630.59 if it has been snatched at least one time (meaning that the first one who will complete the download of this torrent will download it from me) and if no, why has that happenned?
Thanks for your time.
Looking forward to hearing from you
There are two possibilities:
During the time you were seeding there may have been a disconnect between your client and the tracker. Since any disconnect from seeding will reset the sum total displayed, the totals given on your profile are from that disconnect point, and not the entire amount.
Another person with a higher bandwidth has that same completed file, and seeded it to others alongside you, albeit at a faster rate.