Gay asian
can you tell me what you think of them? i mean ive been kinda reading some of the articles about this and they say that some white guys (old and ugly) like them but the hot ones dont and the asians go for whites , supposedly they're so desperate that theyd go out with the first type(old and ugly) so its just funny to me i just wanna know what you guys think and what your communities are like thank you
i like all kinds of races…..
thats cool
Ouch… as asian, i think it it's true for certain part
yeah, everyone always dream want to be with the charming person and in this case, the asian who have the big taste (prefer white rather than local), we're realized that our market is limited. the charming whites, will not interested to, the white old and ugly man, will take this chance. based to my experience, i never come to them but they are looking for me. i hate when ppl call us as desperate. and sometimes, ppl will say that we're materialistic. just look for money. hohoho... we're not prostitute... but maybe the old & ugly man is lonely when his race is not look at them. so, they will looking for someone who is care about him. If the asian are really desperate at first, but we're human being. we ve feeling. after u live together, the look and age will be nothing.
sorry, my english is not good. i hope u can understand :laugh:
Why should anyone be surprised that some people don't prefer asians?!
I know plenty of asians that will only go out with white guys. They would rather be lonely and desperate then go out with guys of their own race. This is something I've never understood about asians. It always seemed to be a form of self loathing for many of them.
So if asians don't want to go out with asians, why should others want to go out with asians? Non asians tend to question this and wonder what is so wrong with them that their own race doesn't even want to be with them.
It seems like a self defeating circle.
im asian and i like both asians and whites i mean it really depends on the person , i would not go out with a white ugly guy no matter what ,same goes to asian. ive been reading articles about it and some say its self loathing , some say its just preference but yea i think that for a young asian guy to go out with like really really ugly fat greased up white guy is just very disturbing
As an Asian American let me chime in on what I've noticed over the years as well as my own preferences.
Many Asians do prefer white men. Partially this is based on many Asians' perception of whites… We do get to see American movies, and white men are typically portrayed as being very manly and masculine. They are James Bond, they're Indiana Jones, they're cowboys... With that masculinity, they're also the charming dashing hunky man who gets the girl. They're smooth talkers. They're sexy.
Meanwhile, in Asian movies, even if we take the hunkiest of the kung-fu stars, they're not as smooth in picking up women as they are with their white counterparts. Generally, Asian men are portrayed as being more soft spoken, they are less masculine, and they're maybe more clumsy and silly.
Another factor is, all Asians look similar to each other... same colored skin, same hair color, growing up where everyone around you has black hair, you end up craving something very different. American kids grow up seeing all different kinds of people of different colors and ethnicities. A blond person isn't as "special" to a white person as it is to an Asian.
I think those are some of the factors why Asians (not just gay men, but women as well) like white men better.
Now the other way around... what I've observed is there are far fewer whites (gay men and women) that prefer Asian men, especially when you talk about the younger whites. Why is that...
A big part of it goes back to how Asians are portrayed in the media. Look at how many Asian men are on TV or in the movies. There are very few outside of a kung-fu movie (Jet Li, Jackie Chan). Who are some Asian men who are in the media but not a kung-fu action film hero? Not many. John Cho (Harold from Harold & Kumar)? B.D. Wong (who is actually gay in real life)? Can you name many else?
When there are Asian men on TV though, who do we see? William Hung! And other nerdy looking Asians who speak with a thick accent and act like idiots. They keep pushing further that stereotype.
For their parts, John Cho and B.D. Wong has shown that you can be Asian, not speak with an accent, and be good looking. Unfortunately they're not bigger in the media.
But still, we're missing the Asian leading men.
White women typically don't go for Asian men because they're not very masculine. They're not what you consider "manly", especially when you compare them with white men.
Gay white boys (those in their 20s) don't go for Asians because I think they've got certain stereotypes about how Asians look and act, and that just turns them off.
Let's take a look at mainstream porn. We hardly see Asians in Western porn. In Western porn we have every sort of ethnicity well represented... blacks, Latinos, Russians, eastern Europeans.... what have you. But very few Asians. I can't remember his name, but he was quite big back in the 90s, and I believe he's half white half Asian. Catalina made some Asian-themed movies-- Cream of Sum Yung Gai, Chew Manchu, Brandon Lee Wicked, Fortune Nookie. I've seen them... they're pretty bad. I don't think the Asians in there were very good looking. I've seen better looking ones. Van Darkholme comes to mind. And plenty of Japanese porn have lots of great looking Asians. Again, too bad they're not popular.
Speaking of porn, by the way, the stereotype that Asians have smaller dicks doesn't help.
Now, the older white men, they like Asians because as some have said, some Asians are desperate and they'll take whatever white man will have them. Some also like Asians because they think Asians are more submissive, and I have to say from what I've seen, that may be true. This is also why you see many older white men with Asian women.
What I've seen lately though, is the tide is changing. Thankfully, compared to the 90's, I think whites are more open to Asians now. And more Asians are open to other Asians as well. I think a lot of it has to do with the younger generation of Asians who were born and raised in America from immigrant parents are growing up and they don't necessarily fit the Asian stereotype of nerdy unfashionable dorks who don't speak English. I think whites are also more knowledgeable and more exposed to Asian culture. Asian culture isn't as mysterious as it once was.
For the record I'm in my early 30s and I have a white boyfriend who's a couple of years older than I am (and no he's not fat, though he's not a muscular hunk, I love him all the same). I was the first Asian he's gone out with. We met on an online dating site, and he normally wouldn't have emailed my profile because he's not into Asians but he found something I said to be funny and decided to email. When we first met, he was prepared to speak very slowly to me, not knowing I speak English fluently (communication up to this point were all emails). He was also shocked at how much I knew about classic American TV, or how I loved a big juicy burger with the works on it, and all-things American. And when we finally had sex, he was also shocked that my dick was not the small little Asian dicks that he had heard about. It goes to show what his stereotypes are (or were, I should say) about Asians.
If you ask me in the 90s if I would have an Asian boyfriend, I would've told you no way for all the reasons above. So those stereotypes are not held just by whites, but also by other Asians. But if you ask me today, I certainly would not mind having an Asian boyfriend.
(By the way, I realize you may not necessarily agree with what I've said above. They are just my observations and opinions from speaking with friends and others. There are always exceptions to every rule.)
dude i totally agree with you, i think we really need hot asian guys on tv unfortunately they're kinda hard to find in the US i would think. for me im not really into blondies that much thank you for the reply it was very thourough, and insightful see ya
Caucasian Here and My Preference is for Asian Guys and has been since aged 29 (12 years now & counting !) ;D
Im Asian American as well and I honestly can't imagine myself with a Caucasian, even though they're quite attractive. I would also never be with someone "old and ugly," yet that's subjective- well the ugly part. I'd go for my own race or technically someone Asian and I'm only eighteen. It's just a stereotype and like all stereotypes, it only applies to a few.
So many views to consider: ( as in all things in life)
-gay asian as emigrant
-gay asian as tourist
-gay asian in ASIA at home
In the western world ( not Asia) age 35 up, men are not for sex or partnerships anymore.
They are just workhorses,,smile
Exceptions in leather, fisting, SM scenes.
So this men look for partners male or female in ASIA.
Age is a very different issue in Asia.
….but every generalization is again wrong... -
As an Asian American let me chime in on what I've noticed over the years as well as my own preferences.
Many Asians do prefer white men. Partially this is based on many Asians' perception of whites… We do get to see American movies, and white men are typically portrayed as being very manly and masculine. They are James Bond, they're Indiana Jones, they're cowboys... With that masculinity, they're also the charming dashing hunky man who gets the girl. They're smooth talkers. They're sexy.
Meanwhile, in Asian movies, even if we take the hunkiest of the kung-fu stars, they're not as smooth in picking up women as they are with their white counterparts. Generally, Asian men are portrayed as being more soft spoken, they are less masculine, and they're maybe more clumsy and silly.
Another factor is, all Asians look similar to each other... same colored skin, same hair color, growing up where everyone around you has black hair, you end up craving something very different. American kids grow up seeing all different kinds of people of different colors and ethnicities. A blond person isn't as "special" to a white person as it is to an Asian.
I think those are some of the factors why Asians (not just gay men, but women as well) like white men better.
Now the other way around... what I've observed is there are far fewer whites (gay men and women) that prefer Asian men, especially when you talk about the younger whites. Why is that...
A big part of it goes back to how Asians are portrayed in the media. Look at how many Asian men are on TV or in the movies. There are very few outside of a kung-fu movie (Jet Li, Jackie Chan). Who are some Asian men who are in the media but not a kung-fu action film hero? Not many. John Cho (Harold from Harold & Kumar)? B.D. Wong (who is actually gay in real life)? Can you name many else?
When there are Asian men on TV though, who do we see? William Hung! And other nerdy looking Asians who speak with a thick accent and act like idiots. They keep pushing further that stereotype.
For their parts, John Cho and B.D. Wong has shown that you can be Asian, not speak with an accent, and be good looking. Unfortunately they're not bigger in the media.
But still, we're missing the Asian leading men.
White women typically don't go for Asian men because they're not very masculine. They're not what you consider "manly", especially when you compare them with white men.
Gay white boys (those in their 20s) don't go for Asians because I think they've got certain stereotypes about how Asians look and act, and that just turns them off.
Let's take a look at mainstream porn. We hardly see Asians in Western porn. In Western porn we have every sort of ethnicity well represented... blacks, Latinos, Russians, eastern Europeans.... what have you. But very few Asians. I can't remember his name, but he was quite big back in the 90s, and I believe he's half white half Asian. Catalina made some Asian-themed movies-- Cream of Sum Yung Gai, Chew Manchu, Brandon Lee Wicked, Fortune Nookie. I've seen them... they're pretty bad. I don't think the Asians in there were very good looking. I've seen better looking ones. Van Darkholme comes to mind. And plenty of Japanese porn have lots of great looking Asians. Again, too bad they're not popular.
Speaking of porn, by the way, the stereotype that Asians have smaller dicks doesn't help.
Now, the older white men, they like Asians because as some have said, some Asians are desperate and they'll take whatever white man will have them. Some also like Asians because they think Asians are more submissive, and I have to say from what I've seen, that may be true. This is also why you see many older white men with Asian women.
What I've seen lately though, is the tide is changing. Thankfully, compared to the 90's, I think whites are more open to Asians now. And more Asians are open to other Asians as well. I think a lot of it has to do with the younger generation of Asians who were born and raised in America from immigrant parents are growing up and they don't necessarily fit the Asian stereotype of nerdy unfashionable dorks who don't speak English. I think whites are also more knowledgeable and more exposed to Asian culture. Asian culture isn't as mysterious as it once was.
For the record I'm in my early 30s and I have a white boyfriend who's a couple of years older than I am (and no he's not fat, though he's not a muscular hunk, I love him all the same). I was the first Asian he's gone out with. We met on an online dating site, and he normally wouldn't have emailed my profile because he's not into Asians but he found something I said to be funny and decided to email. When we first met, he was prepared to speak very slowly to me, not knowing I speak English fluently (communication up to this point were all emails). He was also shocked at how much I knew about classic American TV, or how I loved a big juicy burger with the works on it, and all-things American. And when we finally had sex, he was also shocked that my dick was not the small little Asian dicks that he had heard about. It goes to show what his stereotypes are (or were, I should say) about Asians.
If you ask me in the 90s if I would have an Asian boyfriend, I would've told you no way for all the reasons above. So those stereotypes are not held just by whites, but also by other Asians. But if you ask me today, I certainly would not mind having an Asian boyfriend.
(By the way, I realize you may not necessarily agree with what I've said above. They are just my observations and opinions from speaking with friends and others. There are always exceptions to every rule.)
Well said. I agree with you.
As an Asian American let me chime in on what I've noticed over the years as well as my own preferences.
Many Asians do prefer white men. Partially this is based on many Asians' perception of whites… We do get to see American movies, and white men are typically portrayed as being very manly and masculine. They are James Bond, they're Indiana Jones, they're cowboys... With that masculinity, they're also the charming dashing hunky man who gets the girl. They're smooth talkers. They're sexy.
Meanwhile, in Asian movies, even if we take the hunkiest of the kung-fu stars, they're not as smooth in picking up women as they are with their white counterparts. Generally, Asian men are portrayed as being more soft spoken, they are less masculine, and they're maybe more clumsy and silly.
Another factor is, all Asians look similar to each other... same colored skin, same hair color, growing up where everyone around you has black hair, you end up craving something very different. American kids grow up seeing all different kinds of people of different colors and ethnicities. A blond person isn't as "special" to a white person as it is to an Asian.
I think those are some of the factors why Asians (not just gay men, but women as well) like white men better.
Now the other way around... what I've observed is there are far fewer whites (gay men and women) that prefer Asian men, especially when you talk about the younger whites. Why is that...
A big part of it goes back to how Asians are portrayed in the media. Look at how many Asian men are on TV or in the movies. There are very few outside of a kung-fu movie (Jet Li, Jackie Chan). Who are some Asian men who are in the media but not a kung-fu action film hero? Not many. John Cho (Harold from Harold & Kumar)? B.D. Wong (who is actually gay in real life)? Can you name many else?
When there are Asian men on TV though, who do we see? William Hung! And other nerdy looking Asians who speak with a thick accent and act like idiots. They keep pushing further that stereotype.
For their parts, John Cho and B.D. Wong has shown that you can be Asian, not speak with an accent, and be good looking. Unfortunately they're not bigger in the media.
But still, we're missing the Asian leading men.
White women typically don't go for Asian men because they're not very masculine. They're not what you consider "manly", especially when you compare them with white men.
Gay white boys (those in their 20s) don't go for Asians because I think they've got certain stereotypes about how Asians look and act, and that just turns them off.
Let's take a look at mainstream porn. We hardly see Asians in Western porn. In Western porn we have every sort of ethnicity well represented... blacks, Latinos, Russians, eastern Europeans.... what have you. But very few Asians. I can't remember his name, but he was quite big back in the 90s, and I believe he's half white half Asian. Catalina made some Asian-themed movies-- Cream of Sum Yung Gai, Chew Manchu, Brandon Lee Wicked, Fortune Nookie. I've seen them... they're pretty bad. I don't think the Asians in there were very good looking. I've seen better looking ones. Van Darkholme comes to mind. And plenty of Japanese porn have lots of great looking Asians. Again, too bad they're not popular.
Speaking of porn, by the way, the stereotype that Asians have smaller dicks doesn't help.
Now, the older white men, they like Asians because as some have said, some Asians are desperate and they'll take whatever white man will have them. Some also like Asians because they think Asians are more submissive, and I have to say from what I've seen, that may be true. This is also why you see many older white men with Asian women.
What I've seen lately though, is the tide is changing. Thankfully, compared to the 90's, I think whites are more open to Asians now. And more Asians are open to other Asians as well. I think a lot of it has to do with the younger generation of Asians who were born and raised in America from immigrant parents are growing up and they don't necessarily fit the Asian stereotype of nerdy unfashionable dorks who don't speak English. I think whites are also more knowledgeable and more exposed to Asian culture. Asian culture isn't as mysterious as it once was.
For the record I'm in my early 30s and I have a white boyfriend who's a couple of years older than I am (and no he's not fat, though he's not a muscular hunk, I love him all the same). I was the first Asian he's gone out with. We met on an online dating site, and he normally wouldn't have emailed my profile because he's not into Asians but he found something I said to be funny and decided to email. When we first met, he was prepared to speak very slowly to me, not knowing I speak English fluently (communication up to this point were all emails). He was also shocked at how much I knew about classic American TV, or how I loved a big juicy burger with the works on it, and all-things American. And when we finally had sex, he was also shocked that my dick was not the small little Asian dicks that he had heard about. It goes to show what his stereotypes are (or were, I should say) about Asians.
If you ask me in the 90s if I would have an Asian boyfriend, I would've told you no way for all the reasons above. So those stereotypes are not held just by whites, but also by other Asians. But if you ask me today, I certainly would not mind having an Asian boyfriend.
(By the way, I realize you may not necessarily agree with what I've said above. They are just my observations and opinions from speaking with friends and others. There are always exceptions to every rule.)
Well-said, I totally agree !
can you tell me what you think of them? i mean ive been kinda reading some of the articles about this and they say that some white guys (old and ugly) like them but the hot ones dont and the asians go for whites , supposedly they're so desperate that theyd go out with the first type(old and ugly) so its just funny to me i just wanna know what you guys think and what your communities are like thank you
well i find this post really basic to say the least…....
Yes race can come into the importance of the 'type' of man which we seek and represents the ideal man for each of us - but you put it so crassly & it is a little off the mark in my book.Firstly you are talking about literally millions and millions of males (Asians)
Then you are talking region:
There are Indian subcontinent Asians who are known as Asians , India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka...
There are Far East Asians, Korea, Phillipines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and all the others
Then there are Chinese Asians ....
Then there are East Asians and Asians who live in other parts of the world, Britain has many Indian subcontinent Asians, America has many Far East Asians.....for example...So be careful about making generalised statements. Many Asians of all backgrounds love & have sex with Asians.
Where Asians are a minority population, the issue of multiculturalism may occur Nationally ie. the 'rice-queen' phenomena in America. Mixed race people - 'Asian+other' will also be present in multicultural societies and the issue of sexualising race may become more diverse and open to much more opportunity to explore different cultures and attitudes to life.So with that said, maybe the next time you visit a multicultural centre with a healthy gay scene - try and go to a number of bars, shops, parks where gay people express themselves openly and observe how in reality, each person has a partner because they genuinly like each other beyond the idea of race, and that many people of many different races fall in love for many different reasons and in many different ways.
I'm white, far from old and ugly, and I love my Asians!
For this conversation, we're talking about east Asians {China, Japan, Korea, etc}.
Now the other way around… what I've observed is there are far fewer whites (gay men and women) that prefer Asian men, especially when you talk about the younger whites. Why is that...
It's natural to tend toward your own race and culture.
You also have to look at the % of Asians and white in countries like the US and the UK. There'd be a lot of lonely white people if everyone preferred Asians.
Gay white boys (those in their 20s) don't go for Asians because I think they've got certain stereotypes about how Asians look and act, and that just turns them off.
I think most of this is due to them coming out of the closet and being insecure and trying to keep as much security as possible by being with someone they can relate to the most.
For their parts, John Cho and B.D. Wong has shown that you can be Asian, not speak with an accent, and be good looking. Unfortunately they're not bigger in the media.
I don't find BD Wong attractive at all. John Cho is a good looking, but I still get grossed out about him because of the "House" episode he did.
Some of you may be old enough to remember the show "Designing Women". The part where they go to Japan was funny. There was a stand up comic who is Japanese American and had a massive Georgia accent.
I find many peoples views regarding race to be generally very narrow. Among the developed countries, Americans tend to have the highest levels of ignorance of foreign cultures coupled with a lack of curiosity and disinterest in learning about other cultures. I read somewhere that most American high school seniors have difficulty finding Iraq on the world map.
David J. Keeling wrote in Global Ignorance Geographic Illiteracy, Western Kentucky University 2/2003 : Although most Americans are more aware today of distant lands such as Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea and Venezuela due to recent media reports on political and economic crises in these countries, few have the ability to find these places on a world map or to discuss critically their cultural characteristics. This lack of geographic awareness permeates all segments of our society, from students to presidents, and from ordinary citizens to senators and businesspeople.
This is the same kind, depth and scope of ignorance which led to Americas catastrophic involvement in the middle east. I believe that George Bush did not even know the difference between shiite and sunni, much less cared about it, before invading Iraq.
Rather than accepting responsibility to learn about foreign cultures, most gay Americans appear to be quite bigoted about other gays of different nationalities, quite a poor mark for a subclass of people who themselves demand to be treated more equally by the straights in society.
There is many kind of asian and when you look very closely it is quite easy to see the difference between a Thai and a Korean…
Right now i think that a handsom and tall Japanese (young man) is the most sexy thing on earth!
A movie like ''No Regret'' show very nice and hunky Korean.
I think that asian are so interesting because: homosexuality is so wrong in there culture...
Please get over your stereotype: the new generation of asian is so cool!
I am white: but for me beauty (i realy mean arrousal) have no color, shape or size... -
I've always been fond of cute asian guys. I dated a Fillipino for two months but it didn't work out.
I am an east asian gay man. Once, my boss, a mid-age straight man asked me " why asian women like to have snowy white skin(he prefers tan petite asian girls)" I answered in questioning way "why white people like to be tan?"
So think of asian gays like white, white gays like asians, my personal opinion is the opposite attraction. There are so many examples in our lives of opposite attractions. Married people want unmarried, unmarried people want to get married, blah blah blah…
Is it in our gene that to be attracted by features we our own do not have? I don't know.
But my personal think is gaymen are still men in the first place, men like sex, so does it really bother if the partner is different race? And no offence, few friends in my gay friends circle(over 200 east asian bitches ;D) are fond of white guys, they think asians are more cute though white, black, brown are cute, too of course.