Just because of boredom
1. My ''look-down-in-order-to-look-sexy'' face
2. My ''early morning'' face
3. My ''dirty mind'' face
4. My ''good life'' face
5. My rapeface
ok it must be the cheese ::)
Now one should tell a poor ol' mole how these little bastards dare…....
ok back in the hole :hot2: :hot2: -
ahahah 2 and 4 seem pretty fine :lovp: :freehug: :ecake:
Don't mean to sound rude, but you look way better than your profile picture ;D With either of the faces.
Don't mean to sound rude, but you look way better than your profile picture ;D With either of the faces.
-double post-
-triple post-
I accidentally quoted
Unconvincing. Try again
OK, that's better. But still, I haven't changed my mind
Yup agreed with geo this time Lars.
Nobody of course is saying Aaron is ugly but he is to my taste a little too clichety, stereotyped. The usual male Barbie.
I wouldn't pretend to suffer from a toothache if I found such a babe in bed for X-mas eh Lars but if I had the choice between him and you I wouldn't have doubts
Now just to avoid you get a little swollen-headed about that young impudent man :fight: , if you really wanna see a slightly nicer than you babe you can always goto check Jey somewhere
for instance herehxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyBQ-JgmAd0
;D :hug2:
I declare tie and mostly because I like blonds hxxp://piecesandmelodies.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/thomas-penfound-by-stefan-zschernitz-metal-25-a-w-2011-iv.jpg
Thomas Penfound why are you straightttt :blownose:
Definitely not my type.The most beautiful guy in the world is this one
^ ^
Success!!! :cheesy2: I like them both!!! :cheers:
Now myr and Lars you could give me for X-mas one of those lovely ancient armours.
This one seems perfect for a mole. ^-^ -
shakes head What will the world do without Photoshop…
shakes head What will the world do without Photoshop…
Well said geo! there is no comparison between my nice vintage armour and those ugly Photoshop touchings. Bleah!
I will choose Lars then :cheers:
In that case the armour can give a nice protection too. Especiallly the steel underpants. Rumor has it he kicks very well for some reason ^-^ -
Hmm mid medieval period, I actually like armoury Agis you should check this one hxxp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZVIRkrGR5Kw/TMgkAhw6q8I/AAAAAAAAAkU/PA7vqf7fT4k/s1600/d.sebastiao.jpg tho unsuited for a mole it's quite worth the view, and the delphin has quite the story for it would be a very queer king which vanished in mid of a battle in the fog, which is becoming quite the feature of the Hapsburg family both in the bed preferences and the overly dramatic deaths.
Hmm mid medieval period, I actually like armoury Agis you should check this one hxxp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZVIRkrGR5Kw/TMgkAhw6q8I/AAAAAAAAAkU/PA7vqf7fT4k/s1600/d.sebastiao.jpg tho unsuited for a mole it's quite worth the view, and the delphin has quite the story for it would be a very queer king which vanished in mid of a battle in the fog, which is becoming quite the feature of the Hapsburg family both in the bed preferences and the overly dramatic deaths.
Nice rig myr ! very unsuited for me indeed but we can give it as a gift to Lars. It would look terrific on him! :cheesy2: moreover that poor guy needs a protection too cause it could prove too easy for me to dribble him passing under his crotch ouch!
j/k Lars :hug2:
Hm, I would love to wake up and see your "Early morning" face..
Then jump into the jacuzzi and enjoy your "Good life" face, after which we get breakfast where I can still enjoy that same "good life" face..
And when we continue with a nice walk on the beach, witnessing your ''look-down-in-order-to-look-sexy'' face, I'll continue to compliment you on your looks, what will result in your "dirty mind" face..
And we leave the last one for after the compliments and hugs and making out.. your "rapeface" with which we will definitely end the day, although I will take all the time in the world in order to recall your "cum" face over and over again before we fall asleep..
Aaaaand, we're back at sentence one..
So just to be clear; I can't choose between them.. I just want them all !