The experts weigh in.
@jaroonn ....said person who excuses & supports neo-Nazis & CIA.
Keep proving that you suffer from extreme TDS.
@raphjd said in The experts weigh in.:
Keep proving that you suffer from extreme TDS.
By that logic, you suffer from PDS. Coming up with a bogus acronym is completely unnecessary. I fucking hate, as do most intelligent people. That fact that you don't says much more about your weaknesses than they do mine. As has been pointed out, if he were a manager at McDonalds, he would've been fired with the first grab of the pussy.
If he were a manager at McDonalds he would still be right. If you are rich and famous, a lot of women would let you grab them by the pussy.
Sorry, but you do have Trump Derangement Syndrom.
@raphjd said in The experts weigh in.:
Sorry, but you do have Trump Derangement Syndrom.
Your skewed view of the world is so transparent. The moral and intellectual acrobatics you MAGA-types have had to go through to make excuses for your orange führer have left you with no alternative than to invent a label for sane people who can see right through you. That's what narcissists and sociopaths do; the rest of the world is crazy - not me! It's very amusing.
What skewered view?
I am basing my worldview on what you people say and do.
You people demonize whites, but especially white men, at every turn, then call us the racists and sexists.
You people yammer on and on about Dylan Roof for shooting up a black church, but totally ignore Emanuel Samson shooting up a white church.
You claim that you can't ID minors who commit crimes unless they are white.
You won't mention the races of people involved unless you can somehow make whites look bad.
You ignore when whites are unjustly killed by cops, especially black cops. Tony Timpa was killed almost exactly like St George of Floyd, but you won't talk about that because it was black cops that killed a white man.
In Chicago, a gang of blacks kidnapped and tortured a mentally disabled white teen and live-streamed it. No hate crime charges because you people believe you can't commit hate crimes against whites, especially white males.
Your "true journalism" is nothing but a 1984 style propaganda machine.
You claim to be "anti-racist" and to prove it you vote a bunch of racists in.
At every turn, you people prove you are racists by spewing racism of low-expectation shit.
You spew shit like "blacks can't get ID", despite most blacks having ID. There was a study that was done a few years ago that showed that it was harder for whites to get ID because, in non-city areas, whites have to travel farther and without mass transit to get to DMVs to get driver's licenses and ID.
You idiots were butt hurt because YouTuber Mr Beast spent his own money to put in 500 wells in Kenya because the money the Kenyan government got disappeared. You losers were mad because he made the Kenyan government look bad.
Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the US, but also has one of the highest gun crime rates in the US. You idiot think that if you make guns more illegal, then gun crime will fall.
You idiots say that if banning guns saves just 1 life then it's worth it, but you refuse to ban illegal immigration to save just 1 life.
You, idiots, care more about the borders of faraway places but don't give a fuck about our own.
You, idiots, don't give a fuck about the tax burden and infrastructure burdens your beloved mass illegal immigration is putting on Western countries.
AOC's "green new deal" included a living wage for those who REFUSE to work.
My entire life (56 years) there has been one climate crisis after another.
You whine about climate change, but ignore that science has shown that the earth has had climate change for the 4.6 billion years it's had an atmosphere.
The list is never fucking ending.
@raphjd Feel better? Do I detect Liberal Derangement Syndrome? lol
Clearly, you have nothing to counter my points.
@raphjd said in The experts weigh in.:
I am basing my worldview on what you people say and do.
As am I; and it's not as flattering as you seem to think it is. You can try to hide your butt-hurt, white male grievances behind random rantings picked up trolling the usual sites, but people like me are WOKE. We see you
And besides, why do you care what I think? If I am such an idiot, just ignore me.
LOL, you are a fucking clown.
You have no defense for the things I posted, except to make a racist/sexist comment.
@jaroonn Backatcha: if we are such idiots or trash or however you pet yourself........ then help yourself to ragequit # 48.