ourGTN down for a short while
Hi all, just letting you know that ourGTN will be down for several hours while our provider relocates our server.
Should be back up around 6 hours from the time of this post.
A reminder to old members who haven't been back since our "resurrection" a couple of years ago or those who would like an invite, please PM me directly with your old credentials (if you remember tham) and/or an email address to send a new invitation to. Please don't post requests as a reply to this.
Many thanks to the tor.rent gang for letting us get these messages out. We will of course be happy to do the same for you if you ever need it.
drewski -
Site is back up and running - thanks for your patience
It happens occasionally ... ??? ...
[edit] -
@john32123666 This post was about ourGTN... The site you are showing is gay-torrents.net.... There's a big difference between them.
@MrMazda oops !!!
... I thought this thread refers to gay-torrents.org | not [gay-torrents.net]
Post Topic : https://gay-torrents.org/forum.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=16586&page=last#82101
And the site has been acting recently/lately ...
I apologize ...I'm too confused about these acronyms > "ourGTN"
https://www.google.com/search?q=ourGTN&oq=ourGTN&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l4.2331j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 -
@john32123666 It's quite simple... ourGTN is ourGTN.org sometimes just called GTN for short.