Unsolved Who is Scott from STHJ?
Scott is someone in Slow Teasing Handjobs, who is one of the guys who gives handjobs. Has he shown up in other porn, too?
more info: after some searching, i see that he appears in some straightmenintrouble videos and reluctangyoungman videoes, though he seems to be always clothed.
i'm wondring about videos where he is nude. the only ones i know is "Scott gets a handjob" STHJ video (available on the site) and the video advertised on this site (video is not available on the site) : hxxps://mensparkle.com/blog/2020/05/slowteasinghandjobs-fit-straight-jock-carmine-slowly-edged/ . does anyone know of any other videos where Scott is nude?
finally, i see that "scott teases geoff" has scott nude (available on this site).
there's a bi porn where scott fucks a woman, too, on clips4sale, called "teased by a woman, finished by a man".
i'm not sure if there are any others, ie maybe outside of STHJ