Bonus points
Firstly, when do I get the bonus seed points for adding images on a torrent upload?
Secondly, what are some other ways to get bonus points? I can't upload my own torrents cause I dont live alone and I dont want to hog up all the bandwidth. I've been seeding the torrents I've downloaded so far but I haven't gotten any uploads yet, and I can only seed for so long since I'm doing it off my laptop and can't use my schools wifi when im at classes. If anyone knows good ways to get more seed points and boost my ratio let me know
@Blorpy Uploading a torrent shouldn't affect others sharing your bandwidth as much as downloading would.
@IncubusAZ It's probably one of those asynchronous bandwidth plans. He likely has a decent download speed that makes it bearable to download without affecting others, but an upload speed so slow that can potentially make others' connections either too unstable or altogether unusable.
@Blorpy So, based on your question and the provided details it seems likely that you are mistaking Seed bonus points for uploaded quota.
Being awarded with seed bonus will not keep your account from having the download rights taken due to low ratio. You are in a very complicated position... If you can't upload you'll not stand a chance trying to sustain a positive ratio. The only possible solution would be donating to the site, there are various donation values that reward you with different upload quota.
If you can't do any, it's a matter of time until you run out of ratio and become unable to download anything.
@ianfontinell I remember seeing something on this site but cannot find it anywhere now. Isn't in the FAQ and can't find it in the Forum. There were suggestions for raising one's ratio regarding what type of torrent to select. I've been thinking of that myself because often I download something then wait months for someone to want it again. Is it best to choose torrents, in his case here likely freeleech, that have the highest popularity? Or is best to choose ones that have the most leech activity? Thanks.
@Blorpy First off.. there is nothing more important than gay porn, especially when it features smooth twinks. So, don't concern yourself with using up your roommates' bandwidth nor the University's bandwidth.
To bypass the restrictions of your University, use something like NordVPN, or you might also try Privado or ExpressVPN.The best way to get points is to download all FREELEECH content the day it is first posted - and seed those videos for 2 days before deleting them to make room for more freeleech content.
Also, when you do your FIRST upload here, no matter the size, they give you a substantial number of points - but I think you have to CLAIM them (not sure). Another thing to do is donate some money to the site. When you first start, you are crippled by not having many points to download with and also crippled by the NUMBER of downloads you can do per day. Donating money when you first start your account is the time when you really benefit from those bonuses. The one problem with that is.. I am not sure how payments are being done these days. I absolutely despise any sort of Bit Coin transactions. I think I paid mine using credit / debit card, and google pay is another good option. Currently 1 Euro = 1.09 Dollars.. so depending on how much money you donate, you get between 3 GB and 7 GB per dollar you donate - which is quite a bargain, when you consider that high quality porn is between 0.6 and 1 GB per hour. -
@IncubusAZ Personally I have two suggestions. First being: try your best to upload your own torrents, you don't need to flood the site with dozens of poor quality uploads just for the sake of uploading, you can upload sporadically.
It's best to upload heavy-sized torrents because as you might now, you're the only seeder just once, after more people have done downloading it you'll start to upload way less of that torrent. Having it being a big file will ensure that even uploading less, you'll still be getting relevant numbers.
Let's say you upload a 200MB torrent. You'll get your 200MB as usual, after that you'll start to upload only small chunks that could be any value below 200MB, could be 100, could be 1. If it's a 5GB torrent, on the other hand, even the irrisory values are relevant to improving your ratio.
As for freeleeching as a ratio boost strategy my suggestion is the same. Go for big torrents. Freeleech torrents have a higher demand for sure, but that means it's getting more and more seeders by the hour, so you'll not be uploading them as much as you expect. Having them being heavy-sized will improve your chances of uploading enough data to have an actual impact in your ratio.
@ianfontinell Thanks for the suggestions. I'm still wondering if torrents with many leechers are something to look for when trying to increase ones ratio. Good tip about doing larger torrents. I made my first torrent upload a few days ago. Am still seeding it. How did I do?