I dont understand the uploads in this page! :(
Hi, I upload a file with bittorrent.
I I have downloaded it from the torrent and it is still not visible and my ratio has not changed. what happens exactly? Thanks -
Step 4: Seeding a Torrent
GETTING THE .TORRENT FILE: You have to re-download the small .torrent file, not the data file(s) (typically the movie file)! The re-downloaded .torrent file will have your personal secret passkey inserted, that allows to identify you to the tracker. Do not use the .torrent file you created in Step 2 - It won't work!
START SEEDING: Within 1-2 minutes, your torrent program will connect to the tracker and your upload will pop up at the top of the browse page. Sometimes you may get an Unregistered torrent error in the torrent program if the first attempt to connect to the tracker failed. You can manually force another connection try by right clicking on the torrent and Update Tracker. You can verify you are properly connected to the tracker by going to your profile page, scrolling to the bottom and clicking "open uploaded torrents." Check the numbers listed in the S/L column. If you see 1/0, you are finished. This means you are the seeder (1) and awaiting downloaders to leech the file from you (0).
If you are not seeding properly pls! read the Upload Guide carefully to guide you with what you are missing ...
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/uploadguide.php -
@john32123666 Thank you very much, it has been very useful, it already works! Anyway, I don't understand the statistics, it keeps showing that I've only uploaded 14 mb and this video is 400 mb... does that take time to change? thanks again
You are very welcome...
BTW: Seeding/upload is the pain in behind task to work on ...
500 MB upload share or more = [+] 1
2 or more
Freeleech will help you out on this and will not count against you until time ends ...
sort by few seeder more leechers/size and has enough amount of time [you can also download partial parts and delete it after w/c normally helps ... ]
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/browse.php?search=&incldead=1&infl=1&orderby=leeches&sort=descMaintaining a Good Share Ratio
We provide members with a wide variety of ways to keep above the minimum ratio requirement:
Seed downloads to earn upload credit (newer torrents = more traffic)
Seed downloads to earn 0.5 seed bonus points per hour (exchange for upload credit)
Reseed older torrent requests with only one/zero seeders to earn upload credit. This means redownload .torrent file and point toward file on hard drive.
Upload new torrents to earn upload credit when others download. This is possible even with download rights suspended
Upload new torrents to receive thank you seed bonus points gifted from other members
Download and seed freeleech torrents. This costs no download amount and gives you upload credit on these heavy traffic torrents
Vote category on completed downloads to earn 2 seed bonus points per vote
Search for duplicate torrents and earn 50 seed bonus points per confirmed report.
Submit pictures for torrents with < 10 total photos to earn 1 point per approved picture
Post your personal affiliate membership link to other areas of the internet or send to friends. You will earn 250 seed bonus points per new user.
Power Users can invite new members for 2 GB upload credit per new invite
Make donation for upload credit (helps us pay server costs)
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/rationator.php -