Introducing BoboGuy from the USA
Hello everyone! I am a total newbie to gaytorrent. I live in the USA and I am a porn piggie
. I also like other things like computers and technology like VR and Android phones. I like karaoke too. I'm currently limited to using my Android phone for now but I do have a Samsung Galaxy Book 2 and it has windows 10 in "S' mode. I have taken it out of S mode as of yesterday so I hope to begin using it for torrents. Thank you for reading my introduction! And thank you to gaytorrent .ru for sending me an invitation that I won!
@boboguy2021 Welcome! and hot pics
@azure Thanks for your warm reply and comment on the pics!
I definitely can fantasize about that hot kinky superman with his torn costumeExposed pit and muscles.
@boboguy2021 Haha have fun! I'm on and off but been using quite a bit of it in the past few days, good luck relieving stress, there's just so much to watch!
@boboguy2021 where are the pics from? or are they your drawings?
how old are you?:)
@di3di3di3 37
@azure I just found them online
@lmixxo Thanks I am having fun so far!