No standard Seed bonus for uploaders?
i wondered why people who upload do not get a seed bonus at all.
reason it's an issue:
the people who complete and then have faster seed get more benefit than the person who uploads in the first place!
so do people who add photos!
so do people who have the file, seed it, but don't take the time to upload, find text and photos, and have to stop seeding anything else to wait for the mods to approve or delete…
i have raised my ratio from under .69 to .74 and i have been uploading stuff and it makes only a little difference- 4 uploaded torrents has brought me up from .69 to .74....hardly seems worth it to upload when there are people with super speed who get all the seed...
seems like uploading a brand new torrent could get more credit than it's getting...
now bring on the moderators to tell me they disagree....and that the seed bonus was created to help us slower speeders in the first place...
Some mods have already chimed in about this in this thread about incentives for uploaders verses regular seeders. It may be worth it to read that thread to get some incite about it before you start to see the same posts just rehashed in your thread. But trust me…MODS LOVE UPLOADERS! ;D
… now bring on the moderators to tell me they disagree.... ...
Basically I **don'**t disagree with you, WE LOVE UPLOADER, but as you are asking for it, here some corrections and comments on the pure technical aspects:
i wondered why people who upload do not get a seed bonus at all. …
First you get 0.5 Seed Bonus Points / hour of seeding your new torrent. So no Seed Bonus Points at all is just technically wrong.
I think it is not about what you speak. So let's me answer with a question: Why shall the site / system give an original uploader Seed Bonus Points when the community of downloader here is too stingy to give some of theirs and even to lazy to click the "Thank You!" button ?… the people who complete and then have faster seed get more benefit than the person who uploads in the first place! ...
That is the very nature of the bittorrent file sharing protocol. Even if all peers in the swarm would have the same speed than the original upload, he will not get (significant) more upload than with fast speeder in the swarm.
… so do people who add photos! ...
As you indicate yourself, adding pictures is making work. We have reduced the reward in order to dissuade the "Picture Seed Bonus whores" (sorry, take the expression as irony , sacasm). If original uploader are thinking they really need each SBP, they can upload only with one mandatory picture and add 9 pictures after approval.
…so do people who have the file, seed it, but don't take the time to upload, find text and photos, and have to stop seeding anything else to wait for the mods to approve or delete... ...
We campaign against early jumping-on, within the initial upload phase, after which the jumping-on doesn't do a harm to the original poster any more.
Yes, uploading a new own torrent is a much bigger bit of "work" than one could think never having done it. I agree with you fully on that and speak out of experience (200+ torrents, some without having got a single SBP). This said is directed to the ears of people downloading and never uploading an own new torrent to be more thank full.
… i have raised my ratio from under .69 to .74 and i have been uploading stuff and it makes only a little difference- 4 uploaded torrents has brought me up from .69 to .74....hardly seems worth it to upload when there are people with super speed who get all the seed... ...
Don't be mislead by the felt low effect in ratio. I'd like say it is rather the opposite and proofs the efficiency of posting own new torrents. The effect is not that big, because of the high absolute values of your upload and download. If you would have to download first you would have to upload much more to see the same effect.
… seems like uploading a brand new torrent could get more credit than it's getting... ...
Rather like you wish it gets …
i should have asked someone better-liked to post this opinion, since my point is being nit-picked instead of heard with an open mind.
no one will just come out and say "we don't think uploaders should get special benefits."
i saw in another old post similar to this one where a mod said in sincerity that at least they are not being "charged" with the file size as a download.
and now another is saying not to add photos until it's approved- which usually takes several hours and by the time it finally gets approved i am far, far away.
pm-ing the mods with a green light does NOT work- probably has the opposite effect of "now i am gonna let it sit"
i will never be given auto-upload status now for bringing up issues i take exception to so much recently…lol
it was having a warning about being banned from downloading that did it.
i gave up creating torrents because of this, and am only doing it now to try to get ahead so i dont have to again.
if there were more incentive there might be more torrents on here instead of about a page or 2 a day, sometimes not that much.
and i am NOT against the fast speed seeders at all! i am only pointing out they sort of hog the brief period a torrent is active
.5 seed bonus an hour for seeding even when you are not connected to folks is sooooo boring. -
Let's ask cumeaternc and a few of the other "super point rich" moderators to start spreading the love, e.g. bonus points.
With over 10.000 points a lot of people with good uploads but no rewards from others can be made very happy…
Why hoarding the points if they are not needed for keeping a good ratio? After all the only thing we can do with them is cashing them in for GB.
You go guys! Set an example!Ok, before you verbally slaughter and abuse me (hmm... i might like it :afr:): of course you can do with your points whatever you like!
Do you know cumeaternc's first time uploader programme and my French upload promotion programme
Note that the list for the French rewards isn't updated since October 2010, but points are continued to be distributed.
Besides giving seed bonus points for torrents I like, often I give extra seed bonus points to members in need and doing efforts to get out of taken download rights or low ratio warning. don't expect me to spread them all over like a sprinkler.
For the statistic the given away seed bonus points
cumeaternc - 15300.000
Uwe - 18328.000To note that both of us have more than 200 torrent each alive and we need to earn the seed bonus points, too.
i should have asked someone better-liked to post this opinion, since my point is being nit-picked instead of heard with an open mind.
no one will just come out and say "we don't think uploaders should get special benefits."
i saw in another old post similar to this one where a mod said in sincerity that at least they are not being "charged" with the file size as a download.
and now another is saying not to add photos until it's approved- which usually takes several hours and by the time it finally gets approved i am far, far away.
pm-ing the mods with a green light does NOT work- probably has the opposite effect of "now i am gonna let it sit"
i will never be given auto-upload status now for bringing up issues i take exception to so much recently…lol
it was having a warning about being banned from downloading that did it.
i gave up creating torrents because of this, and am only doing it now to try to get ahead so i dont have to again.
if there were more incentive there might be more torrents on here instead of about a page or 2 a day, sometimes not that much.
and i am NOT against the fast speed seeders at all! i am only pointing out they sort of hog the brief period a torrent is active
.5 seed bonus an hour for seeding even when you are not connected to folks is sooooo boring.The way the posts are written, they just ask for nit-picking ;D
That about upload without download can be me, I've expressed a similar thing in my answer to "… If you would have to download first you would have to upload much more to see the same effect. ..."
PM-ing Moderators doesn't help. In the best case it is ignored, in the worst answered. I say this, because reading and answering a PM, report or Helpdesk request, while working as Moderator on torrent approval is very disturbing. Such PMs slow down approval and therefore they shall be ignored, but they should have no more negative effect than the reading time and lost concentration on another to the concerned torrent's approval.
Auto Approval privilege depends rather on your new torrent up-load activity. I hope as well you noticed that you got a positive reputation point from in on one of your posts in this series (but not this, to negative minded).
On your own new torrents, the Seed Bonus Points you get are depending mostly on the generosity of the downloading members. It can be well more than the 0.5 points per hour...
You are turning against the wrong people. The Moderators here strive to make it a better place and have to life with many limits. If you don't believe, apply to become Moderator and see the things from our side. >:D
and now another is saying not to add photos until it's approved- which usually takes several hours and by the time it finally gets approved i am far, far away.
I may were glasses and thus have sight problems, but who, when and where said that kind of thing?
You are turning against the wrong people. The Moderators here strive to make it a better place and have to life with many limits. If you don't believe, apply to become Moderator and see the things from our side. >:D
Indeed. If you guys think you can bring more justice to this lovely and perfect world, apply. I dare you ;D
Uwe, no need to justify.
I noticed that you are quite generous and I think that's great! -
i dont know how my point that uploaders should get bonus points for uploading a posted torrent keeps being ignored.
instead bonus points are awarded for seeding torrents no one is leeching, and for uploading photos to someone else's post.
agreed that in case someone wants to download a torrent that has as many seeders as some of the ones i have done, it is easy, but to keep seeding along with dozens or hundreds of other seeders with nil leechers seems pointless:
my uploaded seeding has more life, but still they will be dead in a couple days:

i believe it was on another thread that a moderator suggested he be PM-ed if his green light was on because he could be conducting other business elsewhere on the site and did not always check the unposted torrent link or page where they go…i wont say WHO because i dont want them scolded.
as for the bit about the photos not being added until after to get more points- that is on this thread.
the whole reason i started this was because without new uploads this site would die.
maybe the real reason is simply the extra work it would entail for the staff to create such a bonus?
if that is the case i understand totally- you have alot to do already for such few people. and i know even fewer do the majority of it, since i look at the staff link to gauge how long my torrents might have to wait to be posted finally.
but if it is just the case of the staff simply doesnt think uploaders should get a bonus strictly for their new posted torrent i would like to hear that
… I may were glasses and thus have sight problems, but who, when and where said that kind of thing? ...
Uwe , there
@Uwe:… If original uploader are thinking they really need each SBP, they can upload only with one mandatory picture and add 9 pictures after approval. ...
The way xenu put it it sounded like an indication of what to do, though I understood Uwe was referring to a possibility to gain additional points, no-one told anyone to do it.
i dont know how my point that uploaders should get bonus points for uploading a posted torrent keeps being ignored. …
It is not ignored. It has well been noticed, I am quite sure by all the Staff.
instead bonus points are awarded for seeding torrents no one is leeching, and for uploading photos to someone else's post. ...Awarding seed bonus points for seeding torrents no one is currently downloading is not useless. First it is a way to get new members out of the first low ratio warning or taken download rights if made the wrong choice, secondly seeding old torrents is important to built up an as big base to exchanges as it is done here. For the picture bonus, there are many voices to make it zero and personally I don't oppose to it.
… agreed that in case someone wants to download a torrent that has as many seeders as some of the ones i have done, it is easy, but to keep seeding along with dozens or hundreds of other seeders with nil leechers seems pointless: ...
All thse are looking like torrents in their third season season as explained here . You need to wait for them being in the forth season … long time ago I've made the test, seeding only old torrents above 3 month, having many of those assured a permanent group of 10 active uploading data, filling my bandwidth. That was as well in a discussion topic about ratio issues.
…. my uploaded seeding has more life, but still they will be dead in a couple days: ...
Yep, 2nd season …
… i believe it was on another thread that a moderator suggested he be PM-ed if his green light was on because he could be conducting other business elsewhere on the site and did not always check the unposted torrent link or page where they go...i wont say WHO because i dont want them scolded. ...
That offer is only binding for him ;D and if it is the one I think, he is no longer very active on torrent approval, thus will not be disturbed on that task by such requests.
Frankly, I hate not to answer such requests, but objectively it is slowing down approval and therefore are contra productive. Only if you think everything is right and are seeding for more than 12 hours, you should consider to ask. I do invite as well first time uploader to ask in case of doubts. Personally i am always prepared to help to get the first upload finished. it is the most difficult.… the whole reason i started this was because without new uploads this site would die. ...
Fully agree to that. Perversely the (IMHO too high above 250 GB downloaded) minimum ratio requirements and taken download rights push many members to do a first upload, which else would never ever going through that "pain", which can become a pleasure.
… maybe the real reason is simply the extra work it would entail for the staff to create such a bonus?
if that is the case i understand totally- you have a lot to do already for such few people. and i know even fewer do the majority of it, since i look at the staff link to gauge how long my torrents might have to wait to be posted finally. …
That is the very reason. We got only one Administrator part time working on changes to the site and tracker. Moderators do not have access to it (and that is better). There are things on the to do list since I am Moderator. That is why I spoke about being "limited" or mgr in many posts say he agrees but we shall not keep our breath until changes happen
because he can't give any forecast of an implementation.
Last changes were done about privacy and rather as a hotfix. I guess now it is worked on to make it in a proper way.
Why can't I keep my mouth shut?
Well, it's no surprise to moderators that I sympathize with Xenu after having been in the same boat not too long ago with a miserable ratio. It took me almost 4 years to get power user status! hahahahahaMy advice: stop downloading for a while and get your porn from someplace else. Downloading is what hits you a lot. Download only stuff you really NEED and find nowhere else. More quality, less quantity. And avoid DVD-Rs. You cannot afford them.
Uploading: Don't push out new uploads too quickly. I made that mistake. As soon as an upload was finished I prepared the next one. Hoping for bonus points which most of the time don't come.
I now let my new uploads seed for 24 hours or more until the number of leechers drops and the upload speed goes very low. That often gives me a ratio of 5.0 and better on that upload. A 1GB video has seeded after 24 hours more than 5GB which I have in the bank for sure. I would need about 350 bonus points to get the same amount of GB credits. And to get these is not easy
Uwe's strategy to get torrents into phase 4 is not very practical for me because of limited space on the uploading machine. Once seeding is over I have to move the file away to make room for other material. And keeping track of what I had uploaded months ago and getting the file back is just not possible. I still have a day job (which allows me the occasional masturbatory break though). :blink:
After looking at the number of actually active members (right now 397 online) I think it would be a good idea to recruit more members. 397 worldwide is not a lot! Let's just assume it would be possible to raise that number to 2,000 at any given time. That would make things much more interesting (more leechers, maybe more points for uploaders).
But please don't ask me how we can get more active members. I have no idea. I am the only one I know personally who really loves porn! Well, maybe my friend Billy… but he would soon drop off again because I'd never upload anything and his bad ratio would get him kicked out quickly. I digress... -
… maybe the real reason is simply the extra work it would entail for the staff to create such a bonus?
if that is the case i understand totally- you have a lot to do already for such few people. and i know even fewer do the majority of it, since i look at the staff link to gauge how long my torrents might have to wait to be posted finally. …
That is the very reason. We got only one Administrator part time working on changes to the site and tracker. Moderators do not have access to it (and that is better). There are things on the to do list since I am Moderator. That is why I spoke about being "limited" or mgr in many posts say he agrees but we shall not keep our breath until changes happen
because he can't give any forecast of an implementation.
Thank you Uwe. Damn, that wasn't so hard. lol
All the other "reasons" did not make sense. THAT does.
P.S. (to ballard1: who is that in the avatar? woof!) -
P.S. (to ballard1: who is that in the avatar? woof!)
It's not me but he looks a lot like me. A friend sent me the pic and wrote: "Hey, since when do you post your naked pics on the net?"
So I thought I might as well use it as my avatar. No idea who the guy is. My twin… separated at birth? Mom swears she only had one boy! -
… All the other "reasons" did not make sense. THAT does. ...
I don't remember to have given "reasons" why the system is like it is, but only different views to your argumentation too change it, respectively "corrections" where they were simply wrong. That does not want to mean that I am against more rewarding of original torrent posters, in opposite.
Nevertheless, the way you ask for it, makes me wonder why it must be up to the system to be changed for that, when a simple behaviour change of downloader granting better seed bonus points could achieve the same. It is not the low share ratio or lack of spare Seed Bonus Points preventing from it. Many members got good share ratio beyond multiples of 1.000 together with thousands of Seed Bonus Points unused.
Perhaps it must be made more clear that the average share ratio without Seed Bonus effect is 1.000 and values closely around it are already to be considered as good to excellent.
One thing I would like to clarify in this thread is that Mods are not "given" free seed bonus points or any free seeded traffic to boost our ratio. The ratio and seed bonus points you see are all "earned". Either through seeding or as gifts from thankful members who like our uploads.
Uploading torrents is something I like to see and I encourage it from as many members as possible. That's why I have my Firsttime Uploaders Program. I also give SBP in two forum games which are The Uploader Triva Game and Alphabetical Word Game. And I give SBP to every torrent I snatch from the tracker.
What I do not like to see is uploaders who expect generous treatment when they in 3 years have earned hundreds of SBPs, given only 30SBPs away after downloading 50 torrents since 6-5-2011 and trading them in 13 times for 5GB of seeded traffic for themselves. I try to be civil but this gimmie, gimmie, gimmie is getting old.
In my experience, the best way to get SBP is to post something "rare" or something alot of users want. Search the torrents and order them by SBP and you'll see what I mean. It may not be content you even like but if you can get it and share it, others will usually reward you.
What I do not like to see is uploaders who expect generous treatment when they in 3 years have earned hundreds of SBPs, given only 30SBPs away after downloading 50 torrents since 6-5-2011 and trading them in 13 times for 5GB of seeded traffic for themselves. I try to be civil but this gimmie, gimmie, gimmie is getting old.
I know that this was directed at me. You're right. The shoe fits.
But I think I tried to explain this before. For getting my ratio up I needed to exchange the points because uploading and seeding alone didn't do the trick.
At least I can proudly say that I don't beg for points. I've done it maybe five times in almost 300 files I have uploaded.
If a member wants to give BSP I am grateful, if not it's fine too. I don't expect anything.
Now that I got my ratio up to a healthier level I will be more generous. Promise. I just had to balance my priorities while I was working on the low ratio problem. -
I know that this was directed at me.
It was not directed at you at all. In fact I just gave you some reputation points with the blue heart to say that you bring a certain balance to the forum topics. I should have probably not posted that comment at all.
Thank you for helping keep our forum discussions alive and thank you for being open minded enough to see all points of view. A lesson that I could well learn from you. ;D