Greetings from Philippines!
Hello everyone! ;D
Thanks for having me in here.I've stumbled upon this site when I was looking for english version of robokeh's triple threat doujin—which has been nuked out by the author throughout the internet, including here (lol!)(hopefully, someone might reupload it again). And LO AND BEHOLD, i've found a treasure trove of gay porn. It really made me happy to see that there's a dedicated site, apart from /hm/ and /y/. :cheers: :crazy2:
Now that I've skimmed through the faqs and rules and got a hint on how things work here, I've download 3 torrents currently and I've noticed that its difficult for me to upload consistently since no one is leeching frequently. and I don't leave my pc constantly 24/7. I'm anxious and scared about the share ratio mechanism that it might slap my profile with a warning icon or get banned in an instant since one can only create an account once given that the site has strong implementations. It seems that the user is compelled to donate to the site if he wants to maintain good profile. But I don't have the means to do such. Any thoughts and tips?
Hi welcome…
kamusta na kababayan...
In order for you to build up ratio avoid downloading new content w/c will impact your ratio...
All you do is seed and your torrent is open as possible running w/o interruption...
Or read the rationator GUIDELINE: >>>
Also go on freelech and find a file w/c you might interested w/…
[sort by more leecher]
you can download a partial part and keep seeding…[this will not affect your ratio]
Good Luck !!! -
Hi john32123666!
I guess there's no way around of it. Constant seeding in hopes of someone might leech sooner or later in order to improve my ratio, without turning off my PC, seems that I'm at disadvantage compared to other users.
And the partial downloading not affecting the ratio, as you've said, is false. As of writing this, I just got a warning message from rationator by trying to method you've said. -
Hello everyone! ;D
Thanks for having me in here.It seems that the user is compelled to donate to the site if he wants to maintain good profile. But I don't have the means to do such. Any thoughts and tips?
Not necessarily
You can actively participate here in forum discussion (there are so many to chose from) but don't spam
1 reply to a post = 1sbp
1 topic posted and gets a reply = 3sbp (I think)Or post additional picture(s) to torrents that have this note
Add Screenshots and Covers
to make some extra SeedPoints1 pic approved by the mod = 1sbp
or you can report dupe torrents (valid) = 50sbp
or you can upload your own torrent (read uploading rules) and apply it for FTUP and get a one time 600sbp. you just have to wait for at least 6 days for any signs of possible dupe report on your uploaded torrent which is very seldom.
And you can exchange the sbp to traffic which will be added into your upload ratio
or search for newly freeleech torrents with big file and long freeleech hours, download and seed it to help you up with your ratio
and :welcome:
And the partial downloading not affecting the ratio, as you've said, is false. As of writing this, I just got a warning message from rationator by trying to method you've said.
[sort by more leecher]
you can download a partial part and keep seeding…[this will not affect your ratio]
this means you can download a partial part from freelech only and keep seeding this will work as long as there is a plenty of time of leeching
and a bunch of peers/leechers…
[do not download new content while seeding, this will affect [upload] progress…]
freelech will not affect your ratio from downloading but it will improve your ratio...As of eastonkellan, he explain everything and well said...