Animations Site
Hey guys!
I've been hunting around on the net for ages trying to find a decent, reliable and free source of animations and have only just stumbled across this:
hxxp:// haven't been all through it yet but it's looking at least a little good, and I thought I'd share it with you
I've seen this site before and while it does have some yaoi on it, there is way too much [desc=Drawn porn involving a young boy, usually between 5 and 13, typically in Japanese anime/manga. These characters are cute, short, and innocent. In most yaoi, they are blonde. The other partner can be either another underaged boy or an adult, though adults are more common. While they do attract a fair size male audience, females are more drawn to them.]shota[/desc]!
For those who don't know what shota is check out this definition page for it and the meaning of other porn art names.
I do not recommended this siteā¦..sorry Ozboi.
I checked it out too. There are plenty of shota, but you can browse categories. I didn't browse around - just looked in animations>yaoi. It has plenty of good animations, many of them bara material
I looked through categories (only in animation) and I think category shotacon should be avoided.
Don't know about pics, videosā¦
Oh! You're right! :blink:
I completely understand nc; I was jumping around the animations section only.Soā¦ I'm assuming that means that technically, isn't posting the link to the site banned? :crazy2:
I've removed it for now regardlessā¦And then I realised I couldn't ??? -
The link itself should be fine. I just wanted any of our members that ventured to the site to know that is has material that is banned on our tracker. If there is good yaoi content on the site and the shota can be avoided then members can do as they wish.
I can only moderate the content on this site and no other.
Thank you Ozboi for helping us to find new sites with new yaoi content. If you come across any others please feel free to share them.