How Come Austin Wolf's 4myfans Only Has 100+ vids but His Onlyfans has 1300+??
What's the difference between Austin Wolf's Onlyfans account and his 4myfans account? He only has two accounts, right? The 4myfans has much much fewer videos. So, which videos are on which account? Are the videos the same? Im kinda looking for a a few dozen specific ones but can only really pay for one subcription right now…how do I know which account I'll find them in- or will it be on both?
haha… you’ll have to ask Austin to get a definite answer. I know a couple of guys that have fan pages. The things people do to pay for uni. They use them all then settled for the one that works the best for them. Some have features that the others don’t.
OF is the most popular brand. Myfans lets one person tag another in a an upload and that makes the video available for both pages where OF makes each page admin upload the same video. Different but nice feature.
It REALLY depends on what the content creator values.He prolly gets more hits on his OF simply due to brand recognition. That mean more $$$ for him. Why not produce more on the platform that gets him more money at the end of the week?