Another president's problems…(a story joke)
It was winter in Washington D.C., just like now and beautiful fresh snow covered everything. The President, Richard Nixon, was out walking the dog with the secret service and near the White House Rose Garden he sees "Richard Nixon is an asshole" written in pee in the snow. He is furious. He walks a little further and sees another message "Richard Nixon has a big nose.." also written in pee in the snow. He strides feverishly into the Whitehouse, calls together a meeting of the Secret Service, The CIA and the FBI. "Find out who did this" he thunders. A week later, the head of the Secret Service appears in the President's office. "We have good news and bad news Mr. President. The good news is we found out who's pee wrote the messages. It was HR Haldeman's (his chief of staff). The bad news it was in Pat's handwriting!"