Bear hunting (a story joke)
A man goes hunting for bears one year, sets up a blind and waits for a bear to come along. After a while, a nice grizzly appears and the man shoots, but his gun jams. The bear of course, notices this and grabs the man and says "hey, I don't appreciate getting shot at, I"m going to fuck your ass real good teach you a lesson." And he does. The hunter is furious and decides he is going to get even with the bear so he goes to the store and gets a bigger gun. Again he hides in his blind, the bear walks by and again the gun jams. The bear tells the man, I'm going to fuck you in your rosy pink ass twice now!" And the bear does. The man is really angry now, vows with his last breath he's going to get even with the bear. He goes to the sporting shop and gets a bow and arrow since the guns don't seem to be working for him. He hides in the blind for the third time, the bear walks by. He aims the bow and arrow, pulls back the string, just as he goes to release the arrow, a gust of wind blows dust in his eyes and he misses. The bear again grabs him and says " You're not really here for hunting, are you?"

Really Funny !! ;D ;D !!