***Authors pages***
Here you can find and post yourself the web pages of authors who share their work on it.
First one:
The list of free downloads: hxxp://www.julesjones.com/fiction/downloads.html
Another one: hxxp://www.jetmykles.com/free-stories/
I found this list a long time ago and keep adding to it. Its a list of either the author's web sites which can offer some free reads, or if they don't have a web site, to a site that lists their books.
A.J. Llewellyn - hxxp://www.ajllewellyn.com
A.J. Mirag - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2737948.A_J_Mirag
Abigail Roux - hxxp://abigail-roux.insanejournal.com/
Acer Adamson - hxxp://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AuthorAcerAdamson
Addison Albright - hxxp://www.addison-albright.com/
Adrianna Dane - hxxp://www.adriannadane.com/
AKM Miles - hxxp://akmmiles.livejournal.com/
Aleksandr Voinov - hxxp://aleksandrvoinov.blogspot.com/
Alex Beecroft - hxxp://alexbeecroft.com/
Alexa Snow - hxxp://home.comcast.net/~alexasnow/
Alexi Silversmith - hxxp://www.alexisilversmith.com
Ally Blue - hxxp://www.allyblue.com
Amanda Young - hxxp://www.AmandaYoung.org
Amber Green - hxxp://www.shapeshiftersinlust.com
Anah Crow - hxxp://anahcrow.com/
Ann Somerville - hxxp://logophilos.net/
Anne Brooke - hxxp://www.annebrooke.com/
Anne Cain - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1374147.Anne_Cain
Annmarie McKenna - hxxp://www.annmariemckenna.com/
Astrid Amara - hxxp://www.astridamara.com/
Auburnimp - hxxp://auburnimp.net/
Ava March - hxxp://www.avamarch.com/
B.A. Tortuga - hxxp://www.batortuga.com/
B.G. Thomas hxxp://bgthomas.t83.net
Barbara Sheridan - hxxp://www.barbarasheridan.com/
Bethany Brown - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/126532.Bethany_Brown
Bobby Michaels - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1366033.Bobby_Michaels
Bryl Tyne - hxxp://bryltyne.com/
C.J. Black - hxxp://cjblacksatin.blogspot.com/
Cameron Dane - hxxp://www.camerondane.com/
Carol Lynne - hxxp://www.carol-lynne.net
Carolyn Gray - hxxp://www.carolyngray.net/
Cassie Stevens - hxxp://www.cassiestevens.com/
Catt Ford - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1404882.Catt_Ford
Charlie Cochrane - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2727135.Charlie_Cochrane
Chelsea James - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/183257.Chelsea_James
Chris Corkum - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3351433.Chris_Corkum
Chris Delyani - hxxp://www.chrisdelyani.com/
Chris Owen - hxxp://www.chrisowen.net/
Chrissy Munder - hxxp://www.chrissymunder.com
Christie Gordon - hxxp://www.christie.gordon.com
Claire Thompson - hxxp://www.clairethompson.net
Clancy Nacht - hxxp://clancynacht.com/
Clare London - hxxp://www.darkpearldiva.com/
Connie Bailey - hxxp://www.conniebailey.com
Deanna Wadsworth - hxxp://deannawadsworth.blogspot.com
Deidre Knight - hxxp://www.DeidreKnight.com
Devon Rhodes - hxxp://www.devonrhodes.com/
Dusk Peterson - hxxp://duskpeterson.com/
Eden Winters - hxxp://edenwinters.blogspot.com/?zx=b38a1bd7d4a61d64
Elizabth Black - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/270382.Elizabeth_Black
EM Lynley - hxxp://www.emlynley.com/
Erastes - hxxp://erastes.com/
Eric Arvin - hxxp://daventryblue.blogspot.com
Ethan Day - hxxp://www.ethandayonline.com/
Ethan Stone - hxxp://ethanjstone.blogspot.com
Evangeline Anderson - hxxp://www.evangelineanderson.com/
G.A. Hauser - hxxp://www.authorgahauser.com/
Gavin Atlas - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3019711.Gavin_Atlas
Ginn Hale - hxxp://www.ginnhale.com/
Harper Fox - hxxp://www.harperfox.net
I.D. Locke - hxxp://id-locke.livejournal.com/
J. J. South - hxxp://www.33agaylovestory.com
J. M. Snyder - hxxp://jmsnyder.net
J.L. Langley - hxxp://www.jllangley.com
J.L. Merrow - hxxp://www.jlmerrow.com
J.M Colail - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2847963.J_M_Colail
J.P. Bowie - hxxp://www.jpbowie.com
Jade Buchanan - hxxp://www.jadebuchananbooks.com
Jade Falconer - hxxp://www.jadefalconer.com/
James Buchanan - hxxp://www.James-Buchanan.com
Jamie Craig hxxp://www.jamie-craig.com/
Jane Bled - hxxp://www.janebled.com
Jane Davitt - hxxp://www.janedavitt.com/
Janey Chapel - hxxp://janeychapel.livejournal.com
Jardonn Smith - hxxp://www.jardonnserotictales.com
Jay Lygon - hxxp://www.jaylygonwrites.com/
Jaye Valentine & Reno MacLeod - hxxp://www.macleodvalentine.com/
Jenna Byrnes - hxxp://www.jennabyrnes.com/
Jenna Jones - hxxp://www.jennajones.com/
Jet Mykles - hxxp://www.ComputErotika.com
Jon Michaelsen - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1702208.Jon_Michaelsen
Jordan Castillo Price - hxxp://jordancastilloprice.com/
Jordan Lane - hxxp://jourdanlane.com/
Josh Lanyon - hxxp://www.joshlanyon.com/
Joshua Dagon - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/414795.Joshua_Dagon
K.A. Mitchell - hxxp://www.kamitchell.com/
Kate Cotoner - hxxp://www.katecotoner.com/
Kate Steele - hxxp://www.katesteele.com/
Katrina Strauss - hxxp://www.katrinastrauss.com/
Kayelle Allen - hxxp://www.kayelleallen.com
Keira Andrews - hxxp://www.keiraandrews.com/
Keta Diablo - hxxp://thestuffofmythandmen.blogspot.com
Kiernan Kelly - hxxp://www.kiernan-kelly.com/
Kim Dare - hxxp://www.kimdare.com/index.html
Kimberly Gardner - hxxp://kimberlygardner.com/home/
Kirby Crow - hxxp://www.kirbycrow.com/index.html
KZ Snow - hxxp://kzsnow.blogspot.com/
L. Picaro - hxxp://www.lpicaro.com/
Laney Cairo - hxxp://www.laneycairo.com/
Laura Baumbach - hxxp://www.laurabaumbach.com
LB Gregg - hxxp://www.lbgregg.com/
Lee Avalone - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2746999.Lee_Avalone
Lee Benoit - hxxp://leebenoittales.com
Lee Rowan - hxxp://www.lee-rowan.net/
Leiland Dale - hxxp://authorleilanddale.co.cc/home.php
Lenore Black - hxxp://www.lenorejblack.com/
Lesli Richardson - hxxp://leslirichardson.com
Libby Drew - hxxp://libby-drew.livejournal.com/
Linda Reilly - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3212838.Linda_Reilly
Lisa Marie Davis - hxxp://lisamariedavis.livejournal.com/
Lynn Lorenz - hxxp://www.lynnlorenz.com
M Jules Aedin - hxxp://mjules.net/
M.J. O'Shea - hxxp://www.myspace.com/380627401
M.L. Rhodes - hxxp://www.mlrhodeswriting.com
Madeleine Urban - hxxp://madeleineurban.livejournal.com/
Marguerite Labbe & Fae Sutherland - hxxp://chasethedream.net/
Marie Sexton - hxxp://mariesexton.net/
Mark Alders - hxxp://www.markalders.com/
Mary Calmes - hxxp://marycalmesbooks.blogspot.com/?zx=c9ab4394bc93e8fb
Matt Brooks - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2978616.Matt_Brooks
Maura Anderson - hxxp://realmsoftheraven.blogspot.com/
Michael Barnette - hhxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1078201.Michael_Barnette
Mickie B. Ashling - hxxp://mickiebashling.blogspot.com/?zx=95addf0b4c8160f2
Mychael Black - hxxp://www.mychaelblack.net/
N.L. Gassert - hxxp://www.nlgassert.com/
Neil Plakcy - hxxp://www.mahubooks.com
Nicki Bennett - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1404887.Nicki_Bennett
Nicole Kimberling - hxxp://www.nicolekimberling.com/
Nigel Puerasch - hxxp://www.nigelpuerasch.com/
P.A. Brown - hxxp://www.pabrown.ca
P.L. Nunn - hxxp://www.bishonenworks.com/
Pat Nelson Childs - hxxp://www.chroniclesoffirma.com/
Patric Michael - hxxp://www.patricmichael.com/index2.html
Pepper Espinoza hxxp://www.pepperverse.net/
Red Haircrow - hxxp://redhaircrow.wordpress.com/
Rhianne Aile - hxxp://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/i…
Richard Stevenson - hxxp://www.mlrpress.com/upcoming.php
Rick R. Reed - hxxp://rickrreedreality.blogspot.com
RJ Scott - hxxp://www.rjscott.co.uk/blog
Rob Rosen - hxxp://www.therobrosen.com/
Rowan McBride - hxxp://www.rowanmcbride.com
S. L. Danielson - hxxp://www.ladyauthorsld.blogspot.com
S.J. Frost - hxxp://www.sjfrost.com/
Sage Whistler - hxxp://www.sagewhistler.net/
Sara Bell - hxxp://www.sarabellromancewriter.com
Sarah Black - hxxp://www.consideration.org/black/index...
Scarlet Blackwell - hxxp://www.scarletblackwell.com
Sean Kennedy - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1120780.Sean_Kennedy
Sean Michael - hxxp://www.seanmichaelwrites.com/
Selah March - hxxp://www.SelahMarch.com
Serena Yates - hxxp://www.serenayates.com
Sharon Marie Bidwell - hxxp://www.sharonbidwell.co.uk/
Shawn Lane - hxxp://www.authorshawnlane.com
Shayla Kersten - hxxp://www.shaylakersten.com/
Shayne Carmichael - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1200272.Shayne_Carmichael
Sloan Parker - hxxp://www.sloanparker.com/
Steve Berman - hxxp://www.steveberman.com/
Storm Grant - hxxp://www.stormgrant.com/
Stormy Glenn - hxxp://www.stormyglenn.com/
Syd Mcginley - hxxp://www.sydmcginley.com
T.A. Chase - hxxp://www.tachase.com/
T.C. Blue - hxxp://tcblue.wordpress.com/
T.D. McKinney - hxxp://www.tdmckinney.com/
Tamara Allen - hxxp://www.tamara-allen.net/
Taylor Lochland - hxxp://taylorlochland.com
Tere Michaels - hxxp://www.teremichaels.com/
Thom Lane - hxxp://thom-lane.livejournal.com
Tory Temple - hxxp://www.torytemple.com/
Tymber Dalton - hxxp://tymberdalton.com
Val Kovalin - hxxp://www.obsidianbookshelf.com/
Vaughn R. Demont - hxxp://vaughn-r-demont.livejournal.com/
Victor J. Banis - hxxp://www.vjbanis.com/index.php
Viki Lyn - hxxp://www.vikilyn.com
Willa Okati - hxxp://www.sagewhistler.net/
William Maltese - hxxp://www.williammaltese.com
Wren Boudreau - hxxp://wrenboudreau.blogspot.com/
Z.A. Maxfield - hxxp://www.zamaxfield.com
Zahara Owens - hxxp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1305854.Zahra_Owens
Zathyn Priest - hxxp://www.zathynpriest.com/EDIT: (MrMazda 2010-12-12) - Disabled live links. Please do not post live links in the forum. Thank You.
Dang it - which one did I miss??? I thought I got them all. I even did a search!!!!
Thanks for catching whatever I missed
EDIT: (MrMazda 2011-12-12 @ 11:34 AM EDT (CET -07:00)) - Comment Added. See below:
There were about 3 or 4 of them. They were all links that didn't have http:// before the www., except for one. Based on the number of links that were posted and their format, it's an easy mistake to make. -
Andrew Grey - hxxp://www.andrewgreybooks.com/