Dreadful News :(
I have not known Tim - but from the heartbroken words from his friends he sounds like a great person.
A sad and tragic event.
W -
A tragic and very sad event.
I have not known him, but from the words I have read here from you all,
Tim seemed like a very nice and a great person.My condolences to all of you, his family and friends.
Rest in peace.
Kisses and Hugs,
Abombo -
I want to upload the picture I have but i'm not sure it's suitable for the website…
opinions any1?
the words i used ok ? don't want to aggravate any1 by using the wrong words. :afr2:

http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/RIP TIM.jpg -
Personally, I like it and think it's both tasteful and visually appealing. The only one problem with the link you posted is that spaces aren't able to be interperated in the auto-link feature. Spaces are replaced with %20 when entering a URL into an address bar for example. The actual link would be:
http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/RIP TIM.jpg
That being said however, you do not need to enter the %20 if referencing it in a message post by using the img tags. Those will automatically adjust themselves.
Personally, I like it and think it's both tasteful and visually appealing
Very moving, bravo beercan.
thanks guys… I've always been very mindful of people's opinions and I really appreciate the comments.
the link was for my own reference so I don't forget where I had the file stored. Thanks for the correction though.and.. I must have been too affected ... I should be using his actual name.
www.beanfuneralhomes.com apparently only accepts pictures of 300 pixels wide by 200 pixels high. So I guess it wouldn't be there as I had hoped. -
I've been away for a very long time and my heart just sank when I looked at the home page.
My heartfelt condolences go out to the friends and family of Tim.
Rest In Peace Tim
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. -
So sad. My sincere concolendes to his friends and family.
Did he die because of AIDS?
The official cause of death is not known at this time (at least not to me). From what I do know however, HIV or AIDS had nothing to do with it. As far as my understanding goes, Tim was NOT HIV+
I finally talked to the detectives investigating this incident with Tim and Ray that resulted in Tim's death.
A) It is an active on going investigation. They are seeking Ray to question him about the incident still. No one has seen Ray since 11/01/2010, the night of the incident.
B) There have been no charges made at this point by any Law Enforcement Agency. This does not mean that charges will not be issued.
It surprised the detectives that I called but they promised to keep me updated on the case. I will report when I have some new to add to this tale.
I continue to miss Tim badly but each day I make it is another day to think about Domestic Violence in our community.
LOVE NEVER INCLUDES VIOLENCE OF ANY SORT. Report all domestic violence whether you are in volved or a bystander.
With a heavy heart I post this.
I've been gone for quiet a while, but I always check in once in a while. This was one of those things you don't expect.
May you rest in peace Tim.
My most sincere condolences to family and friends.
Que descances en paz eterna amigo…
I did not know you, but I feel the loss of never having known you :_(
Rest in peace TIM :cry2:
Tim…I did not know you, which I consider my loss; but from the posts I have seen here you sounded like an amazing person who has left a void in the hearts of many. I am a man of faith, so I'd like to offer this prayer from the tradition of us Catholics; I offer it for you and your family:
Saints of God, come to his aid; Come to meet him, angels of the Lord; receive his soul and present him to the Almighty.
Eternal rest grant unto him and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the departed, rest in eternal peace.I apologize to any who may be offended by shows of religion.
New Jersey, USA -
he was nice when i first came on site… we chatted for a bit on our mutual bear interests hehehe.
I choose to remember him that way, since it was the only way i knew him
sounds like a guy i would have loved to meet if given half the chance. :cry2:
Hi guys, I was wondering if there was any new news on what happen to Tim. The last thing I new was that they where still looking for Ray for questioning. :cry2:
Nochange in that last bit of news. I will call the detectives after the first of the year they will need some time between calls. Detective Nichols asked me to cal every 45 -60 days. No quite that long yet. He has my number if there is a major development in the mean time. :cry2: