QBittorrent Queuing and Uploading Problems
I recently updated my torrent client to qBittorrent 4.1.0 in order to solve some problems I was having with an older installation and unfortunately introduced some new ones. I think I've figured out what the problem was, even if I have no solution. I'm sharing this information here to save someone else the headache of figuring this out if they encounter the same problem and to see if anyone else has insight for a way to fix it.
Originally after a helpful chat with the helpdesk this appears to be the classic Vuze/ Azureus problems which everyone is likely familiar with. it has similar symptoms and solutions. however this turns out to be a different beast altogether.
The problem in the simplest terms is that downloading works fine, but as soon as a torrent completes downloading it becomes inactive and will never seed. obviously this makes maintaining a decent ratio quite difficult.
Basically the problem has arisen from some basic functionality in qBittorrent that seems to have been broken in its newest updates. Allow me to explain houw I understand to problem to come about. qBittorrent operates off of a queue system where it evaluates the torrents it has on its list and only activates for seeding or leeching torrents it believes are going to be most effective. this way most torrents spend most of their time in the queue with only a few chosen torrents active at any given time to optimize speeds. how this is supposed to work is that it will see torrents that are active but not actually doing anything (or has activity below a certain threshold) and will mark these as "slow" torrents and will then not count these slow torrents against your maximum active torrent count. thus freeing up the slot for another torrent that could begin seeding or leeching.
slow torrents do not seem to work at the moment. even with no activity ona torrent it will not be flagged as slow, because of this the system gets clogged up with torrents that are not doing anything at all but will not move on and activate torrents that could be doing something. completed torrents to be used for seeding are in an even more dire situation, once at 100% torrents get bumped off the queue and no longer have a number at all. as such they are last to be checked and so will not become active.
until qBittorrent fixes this issue, which has been flagged in their bug reports and is being worked on the for the next release, the only solutions I can find are to (1) disable the queuing system entirely under Tools> Options> BitTorrent and then unchecking the box for Torrent Queueing. this solves the problem but is terrible for optimization and torrenting efficiency. or (2) manually force resume torrent you want to seed, which works but requires a great deal of manual input on the user's part choosing torrents to activate and deactivate. Neither of these solutions is ideal, but it's the best I've been able to come up with. If anyone else has insight, I'd be happy to hear it.
It's unfortunate that qBittorrent has made such a fundamental error. I had heard it put forth as the successor to uTorrent after its latest iterations have caused so many difficulties, both from a technical standpoint and from an advertising and malware aspect. it's a sad state of affairs when uTorrents users are forced to run an outdated version simply to maintain a decently functional product. it seems qBittorrent has issues of its own. at least its open source and hopefully a fix will be coming forthwith.
so you've explored all the options in your qBittorrent program, looking for settings similar to the ones described in the Vuze settings advice you received… and you're saying there are NO options settings that are similar, and could apply to this situation?
When you wrote the qBittorrent helpdesk... did you explain that this is happening on a site (GTRU) that has the scrape feature turned OFF ? ? ?
Personally, I think you ought to just cut your losses and switch to uTorrent Classic, as I mentioned in the helpdesk reply to you. Waiting for the programmers at qBittorrent to "fix their code" could become a study in frustration.
Here's the forum topic devoted to the topic of installing uTorrent Classic: https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=22654.0
If you install uTorrent Classic, you can download and use our QTM version 1.14 to generate a new torrent here... and upload the entire torrent presentation, automatically.
You can download Quick Torrent Maker here: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/qtm.php
Good luck in your future attempts, and I hope you manage to get things sorted out…
Please contact our Help Desk directly, if you have future problems.
Best Regards,
GayTorrent.ru Staff -
I mean to say that this isn't an issue with scrape, it just appeared to be. It's an unrelated issue that coincidentally mimicked those symptoms.
The true issue is related to basic functionality, that is currently broken in the client. the "slow torrents" and the queue not interacting properly.
As for switching to uTorrent, I have various reasons for wanting to avoid that however I may be left with no choice. For now I've gotten things running well enough to function, at least in the short term. I'll see how things go and reevaluate as necessary.
Ok, I understand exactly what you're saying.
Then, a question I have: How did you arrive at the conclusion that "The true issue is related to basic functionality, that is currently broken in the client."
Did the staff at qBittorrant tell you that? Are you a software / computer engineer, and you figured this out for yourself? OR you have additional information that certifies this conclusion.
Note I'm not questioning the truth of what you're saying, I'm just asking for the background support information that brought you to that conclusion that it's a software bug of qBittorrent.
Lastly… on a personal level, it's puzzling to me that you wish to continue hanging in there, with this qBittorrent program. Seems like a major headache, but maybe that's just me.
If you have any questions, or seek some assurances as to the integrity of the uTorrent Classic version of uTorrent (which is ABSENT of any spamware...) please ask, I've been using it for YEARS, as has most of our staff here, so we're pretty well informed on this program.
Take care,
GTRU Staff -
It should also be noted that you should click on the torrent, then click the "Trackers" tab. Often times, this will display a more specific message to let you know what the problem is.
Why do you say turning off torrent queuing is inefficient? I'm a long time qBittorrent user and I turned off torrent queuing years ago in favor of using global and per torrent limits on connections and upload slots.
I usually skirt around the issue by doing the force start/resume to force the torrents to keep seeding/leeching.