Selective problems with leeching new torrents and reseeding old torrents
I’m not sure if this is the right forum or not or if this should go straight to the help desk? I am having a problem with a few torrents both downloading and uploading. I use µTorrent 3.5.1 on windows 10. Most torrents download/upload without problems but a few, µTorrent reports both Seeds and Peers, but I seem unable to attach to either. Example: Josh Bensan and Keine Sorgen - Twink Boyfriends 3 Video Collection :cens: /announce ,µTorrent reports 2 seeds and 3 peers. I was able to download 141 MB on Sunday but after about 30 minutes I was unable to download anything else.
I have also had problems with reseed requests not uploading. Example filaton :cens: /announce
I reseeded the torrent after a request. I saw 1 Peer in µTorrent but they were never able to connect.
Has anyone else had this problem?Thanks
dreamweaver -
Since the server update, I have been having strange issues also. The tracker seems to be acting up.
Yesterday I was able to download a few files and they counted against my download limit but never counted against my download ratio. Sort of like a free leech.
Another odd thing is that I can download files and they show completed and seeding, but I am unable to vote categories on them and when I look at my completed files section of the website, it doesn't even show me as downloading the file. But it does show me seeding the file. -
You are going to need to inquire to the helpdesk on this one, as it requires discussing sensitive information about your account.
Also, given the amount of time that your post sat before I found it, I have also reset your passkey, as you posted it in the public forum in your original post. I went ahead and removed it from your original post, however given how long your post was in public view, it was necessary to ensure the security of your account.
You will need to update your announce URL in all of your torrents, or re-download all of the .torrent files to re-seed the torrents with. All future downloads shouldn't be a problem, as they will already contain your new private passkey.
Thanks for the update. I didn't realize that the announce url contained my passkey. I noticed that my torrents stopped working this morning and finally figured out that the announce url had changed by comparing a new downloaded torrent file that was working to the old ones. updated the hash in the existing torrents and they started working again. Good object lession, I should have used the torrent download page url instead.