@ blackdid
Definitely my favorite Journey ballad!!! :jaj:
i've still never seen an episode of glee. in fact the closest thing i've seen that resembles a musical are the simpsons episodes that break into song.
oh the garbage man can marge
Hi bluehue and blackdid,
I didn't mean to single-out blackdid (well, sorta).
But I love you all in this family here (even F00F, my nemesis and hundreds of others).
Please watch hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k
Please download http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=77342@blackdid
Getting back on topic
Spreading my seed/love at http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=84147, brother.
you, blackdid, to join staff. PM mgr or leatherbear or me to escalate your service here.]
hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEshQf-tCJELove you all,
Tim -
A topic with my nick in it !
Glad you just pointed it out to me, Tim, or I wouldn't have seen it : I discovered a couple of days ago the "Mark ALL messages as read" button :cry2:Well Tim…you're a true romantic : Glee - Faithfully , then the fantastic "Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song" (BJ Thomas and shame on me again for my ignorance :spank2: it IS a fantastic song !!!) followed by Rod Stewart and Righteous Brothers (those ones I knew them and like them too), I'm sure you would have loved to be a singer, right ?
Thanks for the gift in my post, of course I noticed it immediately this morning but i don't know anymore how to thank you, words are meaningless with you. Only thing you can be sure : I thanked you mentally many hours ago.
You know what ?
I wish you'll never have abdomen surgery, because they'll open it and will find your heart has become so big that it invaded all your body, so it will be very difficult for your surgeon to find where are your liver, kidneys, balls… uh... let's forget balls ;DConcerning me joining staff... I already see Tom and Mgr frowning, and Michael smiling
Why is Michael smiling ?
I'm sure he'll explain you in PM why I can't do that (Michael, just 2-3 words of our PM dated 2 weeks ago, not my whole damn answer please)
If Michael didn't keep my PM or prefer not to interfere, then I'll have to reexplain you in private, but I really would prefer Michael explaining to you in 2-3 sentences, it will avoid a new sad PMHugs to you :hug:
And to all of you :hug2: -
Please watch hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k
Please download http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=77342cute flash mob. it put a smile on my face, but it still didn't make want to dance
i'm downloading the hedwig thing.
 When you get to my age you keep all PM's for reference because the brain no longer retains information as before.
I will forward the relevant parts to Tim
Thx Michael you're a gentleman
And you got always incredible pics, now those laughing hyenas, i like also the big "WOOF" found here and there in your posts -
I will forward the relevant parts to Tim
Leatherbear, I am eagerly awaiting your relevant parts!
PM sent…..