Teacher suspended for accidentally calling a trans boy 'a girl' in class.
Youtube video of an interview:
So basically, a Christian teacher congratulated a group of students for their hard work with a generic 'good work girls', but amonst them a trans student felt aggravated (even if the teacher promptly apologized) and the issue was reported by the parents 6 weeks later.
The teacher is under investigation now but it seems to be devolving into a witch hunt, now he alledges is because he's a Christian and have given examples of how he was put down by the school several times, including his Bible group cancelled when he defined marriage as something betwen a man and a woman.
Honestly, the fact that he's a Christian and his views on what marriage is doesn't offend me in the slightest (of course, a Christian would define marriage as solely between man and woman) But as I wrote above, this whole thing has turned into a snowball of accusations and finger pointing, just because a little special trans snowflake. The dude apologized and the issue was brought up to the headmaster SIX WEEKS LATER!
If he wants to express his religious views to students, under UK law, he could do that at a religious school.
If he wants to express his religious views to students, under UK law, he could do that at a religious school.
Oh didn't know that! In that regard UK schools are the same as Mexican ones.
Still, considering what's going on, it is a snowball of accusations: one part goes: 'He offended me because I'm xx', then the accused part goes: 'They're after me because I'm a yy' and it goes on and on.