Where to go tested ?
I'm not sure about in the USA, but in Canada, most public health offices will either have the testing available on site, or will have clinics setup for such a purpose. Most of the clinics that are separate from your public health unit will usually offer anonymous testing. If anonymous testing is available, I would recommend it for a few reasons. The biggest of all is if an insurance company sees that you're being tested for HIV (or really any STI), they will automatically categorize you as a "high risk", even if the testing is considered "standard" when screening for other things.
This way, you can still get the tests done as a good health measure, but the records are kept as an anonymous numbered test so that there is never any record of the HIV test being done, unless the result should come back HIV+. It helps give you the peace of mind of keeping on top of your health, while at the same time, not giving insurance companies (or sometimes even lawyers) any ammunition to use against you later.
In the US, you can order ORaQuick from amazon and have the test discretely shipped to your home. You get the results in ~20 minutes.
Depends where you live really, but try Googling postal testing you can get delivered to your home. Dependant in where you live you may be able to get this for free