Should I or shouldn't I? (a game)
Clearing my feet? :afr: Must be a Chinese thing. If you mean clean my feet or cut my toenails, that kind of thing, nope. I'm always well manicured. ;D
You should buy some Hue Lighting (or some other kind of mood lighting).
i have a better one, i made it myself. can change the rooftop into ocean. don’t need to pay money.
you should eat more veggies and less meat
I shouldn't. Since need to gain some weight, better to eat more protein.
You shouldn't break his nose.
Yeah, I shouldn't. I like living in a foreign country and that's a sure fire way of getting deported.
You should bring an umbrella today – it's raining!
I should, but since I'm always armed with one it doesn't change the routine.
You should wear a thong.
No I shouldn't. No one should. Never. Ever. No.
You should buy an ebook reader like Kindle.
i’ve got one from my partner and brother, i like the new design of kindle oasis. it’s tiny enough to put in anywhere.
you should get a new Ph.D degree
I should. But I'm searching for a major first, not sure what to chose tho.
You should learn a new language.
I should but learning Japanese was tough enough. I'd like to learn to read Chinese but I have zero hope of being able to correctly pronounce it.
You should fact-check the news more than you do.
I should, since I just quickly glance over them. Asian languages are complicated.
You should use Google cardboard.
Did not know about that. I absolutely should. I'm going to look into it more.
You should do laundry before the weekend.
I shouldn't. The laundry room is still undergoing repairs, everywhere is a mess, a dirty mess.
You should wear contact lens.
I kinda wanna but I don't want the hassle. mmmmm, Yeah, I guess I should…
You should look at what you've accomplished this year and plan for the remaining two months of 2017 -- there's still time to achieve!
I usually do a retrospective every three months, and for this last part of the year I'm working on two big projects. So yes, still too much to achieve~
You should go commando this week and tell us how did it went!
Commando in jeans is uncomfortable – and revealing, so no I shouldn't.
You should have some sweets made from pumpkin as this is Halloween Weekend.
It's not that uncomfortable. Anyway, we do celebrate Halloween but there are no pumpkins over here that's why, sadly, I shouldn't.
You should stay awake 'til mornin'.
I should but it's raining so my Halloween plans are canceled. :blownose: If this typhoon passes, tomorrow I will.
You should think about getting your haircut.
I shouldn't, am patiently waiting for it to be longer and donate it.
You should read A Turn of the Screw
Yes, I should, I love Henry James.
You should watch a porn horror parody this week.
I should, any recommendation? I'd prefer something with a werewolf.
You should start a diet.