Hacksaw Ridge, hawt barracks scene! Spider-Man & Power Ranger,
Yeah it's a Mel Gibson. There's a religious element and it kinda splits the movie into two (training and actual war). The good stuff is in the first day of training where the hot recruits are all in the barracks and, damn, one guy is named Hollywood and he was showing off by doing pull ups naked. Then to spoil it, he gets forced into doing training naked! He ran in the mud but didn't know him climbing rope though. What a hairy hunk! Porn stache too, haha.
I recognized one of the guys as the red mystic force power ranger. Distinct nose. Andrew Garfield is awkward but also gets shirtless. His younger brother looks good (only a background character). Sam Worthington is there too. Still a pretty boy but older.
It's an inspiring watch for those who hate bullies.