Sex with a contortionist or a porn video featuring one
I would like to know that a very exciting thing came to my mind last night before sleeping that how would it feel to fuck a contortionist. Has anyone of u ever had sex with one. With legs not in the air and them being behind the head and out of the way it would be a lovely position to really get one's juices flowing. I would love to fuck a contortionist plus if he is hairy, muscular and fit it would be the best thing that can happen to me.
Also I haven't seen any male to male action with a contortionist getting fucked by another man. Are there any porn videos out there where you can actually enjoy and appreciate the fucking contortionist style. Even if i google and search for nude male contortionist having sex I only see women doing that not a single male contortionist getting fucked what up with that. Only a handful of them posing nude
If someone is wondering what the f is a contortionist then I am posting a few pictures of em.