THIS or THAT: the game
I have neither but since brother and sister can also refer to monks and nuns, I chose brothers.
R2D2 or C3PO
Kirk or Picard
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away or
Space, the final frontier… -
Cat or dog?
Pussy for me – cat.
Spam or bacon?
Spam(17) :love:
Shouting or whispering?
If the person is handsome, whispering up close; if they're, um, not, shouting, definitely shouting from across the room.
Taking a shower or taking a bath?
Quick shower to get clean. Soak in the bath for joint pain.
Sweet or spicy hot chocolate
Sweet with a little cayenne is best but if I have to choose, sweet.
A weekend in Paris or Rome?
A weekend in Rome!
A weekend with me or alone?!
:hump: Um, with SPAM17
Facebook or Twitter?
Twink or Mature
Mature (though I like to look at twinks)
Waking up to a bj or going to bed after a fucking (in the position you chose)?
Waking up to a BJ.
Rape or no rape?
Well, if the rapist is really good looking, then it couldn't be rape. So it'd have to say no rape.
Vibrator or dildo?
i would go with dildo ;D :cheesy2:
slutty or chaste?
The best meal of your life or sex?
best meal in of my life :)) (sex is everywhere and easy to get :P) but good food … now that is a pleasure of life
blunt or sharp ?
Sticks or stones?
Since I'm from a Christian country, sticks.
Go back in time one decade or foreward in time one decade?