Nintendo Switch
Not sure if anyone's been following this since I last posted, but the console's doing quite well. Consistently sold out in the US and Japan for nearly three months now.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got great reviews and there are some really interesting indie titles on the console (I've got my eye on Kamiko). Of course, there probably won't be a lot of new announcements before E3 next month, but Reggie Fils-Aime (head of Nintendo America) hinted at some sort of Metroid announcement, so that might be on the cards!
I bought a Switch at launch and love it, but so far Mario Kart 8 and Zelda have been the only games worth getting so far. I wish they released more at launch
Splatoon's release is still too far away.
Nintendo is back baby.
The switch is a sexy piece of hardware.
Nintendo is back baby.
The switch is a sexy piece of hardware.
I bought the Switch a couple of weeks ago, after scouring the earth to find a store that hadn't outsold them.
I really like it, it's incredibly user-friendly. It's fast, it's easy, it just has Breath of the Wild going for it, which means that I'm finally forced to finish the game before jumping into my next adventure.
But it's not exactly perfect… I think that with most consoles, jumping in early leaves you open to some technical troubles. The buttons on my joy-con, for instance, have already displayed some technical problems. I'm no button-masher, but still they've quickly started to show signs of struggle after playing Breath of the Wild. So I had to bring my joy-cons back.
It's one of those things that happens a lot when there is a new product on the market. In hindsight, I'm still happy as a peach, but I think I should have waited perhaps a couple of more months for a new batch.
That kind of manufacturing defects happen with every product launch tho.
It's not just console but technology in general.
I've always been more of a portable gamer so the switch has been amazing.
Hoping to get a Switch the first week of July fingers crossed!!!
it's on my wishlist!! i just love it!! The possibilities that it offers are quite amazing!!
It's still mostly Nintendo games and indies, but there's some good stuff on the console at the moment. I've picked up Tumbleseed (very challenging but really rewarding) and a couple of great multiplayer games - Snipperclips, Death Squared and Jackbox Party Pack 3.
That Mario + Rabbids RPG is out in a couple of weeks, too, and a bit more third-party stuff (FIFA, NBA, WWE, Skyrim, Rocket League) is due later in the year. Another JRPG got announced for the system, too - it's getting the latest Atelier game towards the end of the year!
Guess I forgot to post here but I got mine early last month and already got 10 games for it! Really enjoying it right now especially splatoon 2
Might bump this, see if we've accumulated any other Switch owners on here in the past year!
The online service is getting pretty mixed reviews at the moment, but Nintendo just announced quite a few really promising games, including a new Luigi's Mansion and ANIMAL CROSSING… finally! Both coming out next year. Between those, Fire Emblem, Yoshi's Crafted World and Daemon x Machina, 2019 is looking really good.